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National Cancer Institute

About the Toolkit

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Benefits of Using the Toolkit

Anyone engaged in the practice or study of team science can benefit from using the Team Science Toolkit. If you are looking to learn from your colleagues' experiences, find resources you need, or add to the team science knowledge base, the Toolkit can help.

Here are some of the ways you can use the Toolkit. If you are:

An investigator practicing team science

Find or share resources that support team science collaborations. Apply proven approaches such as:

  • Model “prenuptial agreements” to support new collaborations
  • Syllabi and training materials for team science skills
  • Information about communication and data management systems to support collaboration

A team science evaluator or scholar

Find or share measures and methods for studying or evaluating team science processes, outcomes, and contextual influences. These can include:

  • Survey instruments
  • Interview guides
  • Metrics
  • Algorithms
  • Validity, reliability, and scoring methods

Scholars can also use these resources to develop interventions, or to collaborate with colleagues to refine existing measures or apply them across studies and settings.

An academic institution, business, or other organization

Find or share resources that help create nurturing environments for team science practice and scholarship. These can include promotion and tenure guidelines, and infrastructure and legal guidelines to support effective collaboration across departments and organizations.

A funder or government agency

Find or share resources such as team science funding announcements and protocols related to data sharing and co-publishing.

A new team science professional

Read the Learn More section for an introduction to the practice and study of team science. Find links to key articles and useful Web sites, as well as an extensive team science bibliography.

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