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Pedaling Into Spring

2011 April 7

By Elizabeth Myer

The severe winter conditions we’ve endured have at long last subsided, leaving us yearning for spring weather. The snow has melted, the ice has thawed and the sunlight is sticking around deeper into each evening as the days progress, infinitely raising the spirits of outdoor enthusiasts everywhere. Residents of the concrete jungle are no exception, though long as we might for those warm and sunny days, the Big Apple is not always the obvious choice for an outdoorsy venture. Fear not, fellow New Yorkers; your thirst for a spring time lift has been answered– this time in the form of city cycling maps.

The biking trend is quickly taking hold of city folks across the globe — much to the delight of the eco-conscious, might I add – and the city has taken notice. Linked below you will find a gift from the NYC Department of City Planning that will lead you to a completely new way to explore each of the five boroughs, all while staying fit and healthy even as you reduce your carbon footprint. The 2010 Cycling Map is available on the main page in PDF format, and if you’re a beginner to cycling (like me) you’ll find a few sections particularly helpful, like the links to safety tips, bike laws and bike signage.

Here’s to a “green” spring. Happy cycling, New York!

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

11 Responses leave one →
  1. Don'tForgetSafety! permalink
    April 7, 2011

    I appreciate that this information is being shared, though I was shocked to see that the photo included with this post shows a bicycle rider with no helmet on! I, too, am grateful for the longer days, warmer weather, and increased opportunites for bicycle riding. However, these and the many other benefits that come from riding a bike will quickly become insignificant to a rider who sustains a head injury from falling or being involved in some other kind of accident while not wearing a helmet. Though helmets may not be making any appearances on NYC’s fashion runways, I certainly hope they’ll be showing up on the heads of its cyclists.

    • Elizabeth Myer permalink
      April 11, 2011

      You make a great point about wearing helmets. In fact, many states and localities have passed laws requiring that children under the age of 18 wear helmets. While there is not yet a federal law in the U.S. it is widely accepted that safe transport is just as important as “green” transport. Thanks for your comment!

  2. Anonymous permalink
    April 7, 2011

    no excuse

  3. Hugo gonzález from méxico permalink
    April 9, 2011

    I completely agree about wear a helmet too

  4. Michael E. Bailey permalink
    April 10, 2011

    Biking is a great way to commute for short distances. Biking also needs to be integrated into the larger public transportation system. People need to be able to take their bikes with them on the bus and on the train. And bus and train stations could also help by providing bike lockers at the station and operating bike rental services from the stations. Buses need to be able to take 3 bikes instead of 2, and trains should have a designated spot in each car for stowing bikes. Best wishes, Michael E. Bailey.

    • Elizabeth Myer permalink
      April 11, 2011

      Those are great points, Michael. Little by little, towns and cities across the U.S. are becoming more aware of how to incorporate biking into the public transportation systems. We can only hope that soon, subways and buses everywhere will be more biker-friendly.

  5. Yasmin permalink
    April 11, 2011

    I am a frequent biker and always wear my helmet. I’ve fallen many times but there was one occacion when my head hit the payment. It was very scary! Thankfully, I was able to quickly stood up with just bruises.

  6. Gianna permalink
    April 11, 2011

    Perhaps the person on the bike is wears a helmet under that hat.

  7. Daniel permalink
    April 13, 2011

    hello ,
    My name is daniel and I own nigerian forum
    I’m an ardent reader of your posts and not just to leave leave without writing a comment this time around, I love the informations you share through this post especially where you wrote ” The biking trend is quickly taking hold of city folks across the globe — much to the delight of the eco-conscious, might I add – and the city has taken notice. Linked below you will find a gift from the NYC Department of City Planning that will lead you to a completely new way to explore each of the five boroughs, all while staying fit and healthy even as you reduce your carbon footprint. ”
    Keep it up friend.

    • Elizabeth Myer permalink
      April 18, 2011

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Daniel. Glad to see that you find the blog useful and interesting.

  8. Gianna permalink
    April 16, 2011

    Sorry for my ungrammatical sentence. I fell off my bike on my head. Now I always wear a helmet under my winter hat. Maybe it is too Late. Love your posts!

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