
February 2013

Sen. Levin leads effort urging Army Corps to allocate funds to address Great Lakes losses from Hurricane Sandy
The Time Is Now
Levin Remarks During Senate Floor Debate on the Nomination of Sen. Chuck Hagel to be Secretary of Defense
Opening Statement at Nomination Hearing for Gen. Lloyd Austin and Gen. David Rodriguez
Senate Floor Speech on the Nomination of Sen. Chuck Hagel to be Secretary of Defense
Levin Highlights Work of Michigan Manufacturing Center at Meeting with Senate Colleagues
Recognizing the 50th Anniversary of the City of Portage
Levin Statement on President Obama's State of the Union
Statement on the Nomination of Former Sen. Chuck Hagel to be Secretary of Defense
Levin floor statement on Violence Against Women Act reauthorization
Levin Opening Statement, Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing on the Impacts of Sequestration and/or a Full-year Continuing Resolution on the Department of Defense
Levin floor statement on Cut Unjustified Tax Loopholes Act
Levin, Whitehouse introduce CUT Loopholes Act
Summary of the Cut Unjustified Tax Loopholes Act
Levin: GOP requests for Hagel disclosure "go far beyond" committee standards
Stamp is Powerful Reminder of Rosa Parks' Legacy
Senate Floor Speeches on Sen. Carl Levin's 12,000th Vote
Opening Statement of Sen. Carl Levin Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing on the Attacks on U.S. Facilities at Benghazi, Libya

January 2013

January 2013 Newsletter
Levin Testimony to Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on Harbor Maintenance

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