Export.gov logo and link to Export.gov Market Development Cooperator Program
About MDCP
How to Apply
Frequently Asked Questions
Active Cooperator Resources
History of MDCP Projects



    Once a cooperator has received an MDCP award, the team should look beyond the cash value of the award to many other resources that can enhance the project. Some of these are listed below. These should serve any MDCP project team when planning how to proceed.


    - Small Business Administration trade financing.

    - Trade Finance Guide

    - Export Programs Guide

    - Ex-Im Bank trade finance programs

    - NIST standards alert

    - Stop Fakes

    - International Development Bank contracts

    - Manufacturing Extension Partnership assistance

    - Trade and Development Agency assistance

    - Internatiional Buyer Program

    - Gold Key Service

    - Platinum Key Service

    - Agent Distributor Search

    - Trade Fair Certification

    - Advocacy Center

    - Trade Compliance Center


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