Clinical Guide > The HIV Clinic > HRSA HAB Performance Measures

Health Resources and Services Administration HIV/AIDS Bureau Performance Measures

January 2011

Chapter Contents


Based on input from key stakeholders, the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) has created and released six sets of performance measures to be used to monitor quality of care. These measures can be used as defined or can be further modified by the grantee to meet that agency's individual needs. Grantees are encouraged to select measures that are most important to their agencies and the populations they serve. The measures can be used by the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, either at the provider or system level. A brief overview of the performance measures is provided below.

The Core Clinical Performance Measures for Adults and Adolescents are offered as a set of indicators for use in monitoring the quality of care provided. Grantees are encouraged to include the core clinical performance measures in their quality management plans. The clinical performance measures are categorized into three groups.

The Medical Case Management Performance Measures target all clients, and focus on two key issues: care plans and medical visits. Medical case management programs are encouraged to utilize the core clinical performance measures as appropriate.

The Oral Health Performance Measures target all clients. The measures are intended for use by programs providing direct oral health services.

The AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) Measures are intended for use by the ADAP. Four measures are included and target all clients, regardless of age.

The Systems-Level Performance Measures address aspects of access and entry to care and may be utilized by any system or network.

The Pediatric Performance Measures (not reproduced here) address a range of clinical, social, and system issues for programs that serve pediatric clients.

Core Clinical Performance Measures for Adults and Adolescents: Group 1

IndicatorHow Measured

# Indicates that the HRSA Office of Performance Review (OPR) has selected a performance measure that is similar or the same for use during its site visits (performance reviews) to programs that receive funding from HRSA. The absence of a pound sign indicates that the OPR does not have a corresponding measure. Additional information about the OPR site visit process and list of performance measures can be located on the HAB website.

Antiretroviral Therapy for Pregnant Women#Percentage of pregnant women with HIV infection who were prescribed antiretroviral therapy (ART)
CD4 T-Cell Count#Percentage of clients with HIV infection who had two or more CD4 T-cell counts performed in the measurement year
Antiretroviral Therapy#Percentage of clients with AIDS who were prescribed ART
Medical Visits#Percentage of clients with HIV infection who had two or more medical visits in an HIV care setting in the measurement year
Pneumocystis jiroveci Pneumonia (PCP) Prophylaxis#Percentage of clients with HIV infection and a CD4 count below 200 cells/µL who were prescribed PCP prophylaxis

Core Clinical Performance Measures for Adults and Adolescents: Group 2

IndicatorHow Measured

# Indicates that the HRSA Office of Performance Review (OPR) has selected a performance measure that is similar or the same for use during its site visits (performance reviews) to programs that receive funding from HRSA. The absence of a pound sign indicates that the OPR does not have a corresponding measure. Additional information about the OPR site visit process and list of performance measures can be located on the HAB website.

Adherence: Assessment and Counseling#Percentage of clients with HIV infection on ARVs who were assessed and counseled for adherence two or more times in the measurement year
Cervical Cancer Screening#Percentage of women with HIV infection who had a Papanicolaou screening in the measurement year
Hepatitis B Vaccination#Percentage of clients with HIV infection who completed the vaccination series for hepatitis B
Hepatitis C Screening#Percentage of clients for whom hepatitis C screening was performed at least once since the diagnosis of HIV infection
HIV Risk CounselingPercentage of clients with HIV infection who received HIV risk counselling within the measurement year
Lipid ScreeningPercentage of clients with HIV infection on ART who had a fasting lipid panel in the measurement year
Oral Examination#Percentage of clients with HIV infection who received an oral examination by a dentist at least once in the measurement year
Syphilis Screening#Percentage of adult clients with HIV infection who had a test for syphilis performed in the measurement year
Tuberculosis ScreeningPercentage of clients with HIV infection who received testing with results documented for latent tuberculosis infection since HIV diagnosis

Core Clinical Performance Measures for Adults and Adolescents: Group 3

IndicatorHow Measured

# Indicates that the HRSA Office of Performance Review (OPR) has selected a performance measure that is similar or the same for use during its site visits (performance reviews) to programs that receive funding from HRSA. The absence of a pound sign indicates that the OPR does not have a corresponding measure. Additional information about the OPR site visit process and list of performance measures can be located on the HAB website.

Chlamydia ScreeningPercentage of clients with HIV infection at risk of sexually transmitted infections who had a test for chlamydia in the measurement year
Gonorrhea ScreeningPercentage of clients with HIV infection at risk of sexually transmitted infections who had a test for gonorrhea in the measurement year
Hepatitis B Screening#Percentage of clients with HIV infection who have been screened for hepatitis B virus infection status
Hepatitis/HIV Alcohol CounselingPercentage of clients with HIV and hepatitis B or hepatitis C infection who received alcohol counseling in the measurement year
Influenza VaccinationPercentage of clients with HIV infection who have received influenza vaccination in the measurement period
MAC Prophylaxis Percentage of clients with HIV infection with CD4 count of <50 cells/µL who were prescribed Mycobacterium avium complex prophylaxis in the measurement year
Mental Health Screening#Percentage of new clients with HIV infection who have had a mental health screening
Pneumococcal VaccinationPercentage of clients with HIV infection who ever received pneumococcal vaccine
Substance Use Screening#Percentage of new clients with HIV infection who have been screened for substance use (alcohol and drugs) in the measurement year
Tobacco Cessation CounselingPercentage of clients with HIV infection who received tobacco cessation counseling in the measurement year
Toxoplasma ScreeningPercentage of clients with HIV infection for whom Toxoplasma screening was performed at least once since the diagnosis of HIV infection

Medical Case Management Performance Measures

IndicatorHow Measured
Care PlanPercentage of HIV-infected medical case management clients who had a medical case management care plan developed and/or updated two or more times in the measurement year
Medical VisitsPercentage of HIV-infected medical case management clients who had two or more medical visits in an HIV care setting in the measurement year

Oral Health Services Performance Measures

IndicatorHow Measured
Dental and Medical HistoryPercentage of HIV-infected oral health patients who had a dental and medical health history (initial or updated) at least once in the measurement year
Dental Treatment PlanPercentage of HIV-infected oral health patients who had a dental treatment plan developed and/or updated at least once in the measurement year
Oral Health EducationPercentage of HIV-infected oral health patients who received oral health education at least once in the measurement year
Periodontal Screening or ExaminationPercentage of HIV-infected oral health patients who had a periodontal screen or examination at least once in the measurement year
Phase 1 Treatment Plan CompletionPercentage of HIV-infected oral health patients with a Phase 1 treatment plan that is completed within 12 months

AIDS Drug Assistance Program Performance Measures

IndicatorHow Measured
Application DeterminationPercent of ADAP applications approved or denied for new ADAP enrollment within 14 days (2 weeks) of ADAP receiving a complete application in the measurement year
Eligibility RecertificationPercentage of ADAP enrollees who are reviewed for continued ADAP eligibility two or more times in the measurement year
FormularyPercentage of new antiretroviral classes that are included in the ADAP formulary within 90 days of the date of inclusion of new anti-retroviral classes in the DHHS Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in HIV-1-infected Adults and Adolescents in the measurement year
Inappropriate Antiretroviral Regimen Components Resolved by ADAPPercent of identified inappropriate antiretroviral (ARV) regimen components prescriptions that are resolved by the ADAP program in the measurement year

Systems-Level Performance Measures

IndicatorHow Measured
Waiting time for initial access to outpatient/ambulatory medical carePercentage of Ryan White Program-funded outpatient/ambulatory care organizations in the system/network with a waiting time of 15 or fewer business days for a Ryan White Program-eligible patient to receive an appointment to enroll in outpatient/ambulatory medical care
HIV test results for PLWHAPercentage of individuals who test positive for HIV who are given their HIV-antibody test results in the measurement year
Disease status at time of entry into carePercentage of individuals with an AIDS diagnosis at time of initial outpatient/ambulatory medical care visit in the measurement year
Quality management programPercentage of Ryan White Program-funded clinical organizations with an HIV-specific quality management program in the measurement year
System-level performanceRate of achievement (percentage of patients) of the performance measurement of interest in the system/network in the measurement year
