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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Chief Financial Officer   >   Agency Financial Report FY 2011   >   Section I   >   Priority Goal 2


Goal Statement

Serve 5.38 million families by the end of FY 2011, which is 207,000 more than in 2009. 


HUD’s rental assistance programs provide housing security to families who would otherwise face risk of instability or homelessness.  With more than one-third of all American families renting their homes, it remains more important than ever to provide a sufficient supply of affordable rental homes for low-income families.  This Priority Goal is the heart of Strategic Goal 2:  Meet the Need for Quality Affordable Rental Homes.  It focuses on closing the long-term structural gap between the cost of building and operating a standard-quality housing unit, addressing capital needs of the public housing stock, and the ability of lower-income households to afford such units.  Read more...
Metro Lofts In Des Moines
Metro Lofts in Des Moines, IA
Click on a thumbnail for the full-size version of the image.
Number Of Families Served By HUD
Number Of Families Served (Q3 FY 2011) Additional Families Served (Q3 FY 2011)
Click on a thumbnail for the full-size version of the image.