National Park Service

Inventory & Monitoring (I&M)

Data Management

Sampling and recording forest vegetation information at Grand Canyon National Park Getting started with sampling and data collection at San Juan Island in Channel Islands National Park NPS employee checking and recording streamflow gauge information at Acadia National Park Northern Colorado Plateau Network employee entering biological sampling data into a computer while in the field

Data and Information management is at the core of the Inventory and Monitoring Program. I&M's approach to data management is comprehensive, disciplined, and long-term. I&M data management tools and systems are designed for:

  • Data Quality: — minimize, identify, and correct errors at every stage of the data life cycle
  • Data Security: — maintain data in environments that protect against loss
  • Data Longevity — ensure migration of data to current standards, and accompany all data with comprehensive documentation
  • Data Accessibility — provide data in multiple formats to a range of end users, from park managers, to researchers, to the public.

Data Management Features

Natural Resource
Database Template

Customized Natural Resource Database Template Screen

The Natural Resource Database Template (NRDT) is a core database structure developed by I&M for managing inventory and monitoring data. It can be modified and customized to accommodate almost all types of field data collected, and includes a toolkit for building a consistent user interface.
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IRMA Data System

IRMA Data System

The IRMA data system is an internet-based tool being developed for managing and finding scientific data and information about NPS natural and cultural resources. IRMA encompasses data, reports and other documents, maps, images, links, species lists, and more.
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Gulf Coast Network
Water Quality Data

Water Quality Graph

The Gulf Coast Network is monitoring water quality in eight park units. To make data readily available the network, in cooperation with the USGS Advanced Applications Team, developed a web-based data query tool. Display the data, or save as an Excel file, or create graphs, etc.
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Virtual Learning Centers

Saguaro National Park

Virtual Learning Centers are collaborative websites that share scientific information and promote research efforts. The Learning Center for the American Southwest and the Greater Yellowstone Science Learning Center are showing new ways to connect parks, science, and people.
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Last Updated: December 04, 2012 Contact Webmaster