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Exergy Development Group LLC Recognized for Role in Idaho's First Utility-Scale Wind Project

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The Carpe Ventem (Seize the Wind) Award was presented to James Carkulis (center), Exergy Development Group LLC, for the Fossil Gulch Wind Park.

Exergy Development Group LLC Recognized for Role in Idaho's First Utility-Scale Wind Project

Date: 8/9/2005

Location: ID

On August 9, Wind Powering America Technical Director Larry Flowers and Curtis Framel from the U.S. Department of Energy's Western Regional Office presented the 2005 Carpe Ventem (Seize the Wind) Award to James Carkulis of Exergy Development Group LLC. The Carpe Ventem Award, which honors a state's first utility-scale wind project, was presented to Carkulis in recognition of Exergy's role in the development of Idaho's first utility-scale project, the 10.5-MW Fossil Gulch Wind Park near Hagerman, Idaho.

This information was last updated on August 09, 2011