REDRESS Testimonials

“REDRESS® opens up so much for all parties and it doesn’t require that we be the best, only that we try our best. Strive for excellence, not perfection. And ultimately as a company we will reach our goal.”

Dexter Mattear, NALC Representative

“Mediation made a difference in my life. REDRESS was a way for me to talk about my problem. I never thought that I would reach an agreement during mediation, but I did. I was surprised when my supervisor apologized to me during mediation. I withdrew during mediation because I was allowed to talk about my concerns and as a result of mediation, I view management in a more positive manner.”

EAS Employee
New York, NY

“REDRESS is helpful in working out the challenges, problems, and disputes between employees and management. Whether a decision is reached is not always necessary but everyone is able to communicate their dissatisfaction.”

NY Metro APWU Steward Kevin Walsh
Morgan P&DC, NY

“I am very happy with the REDRESS process and could write a book on its benefits. REDRESS eliminates a lot of grievances, REDRESS goes to the heart of the matter and eliminates a lot of unnecessary paperwork such as grievances and formal complaints. REDRESS gives individuals a chance to clear the air; face to face makes a big difference.”

Gary Dalton President
APWU Branch 38
Watchung, NJ

“REDRESS has been successful for me. It is a time I can sit down with the employee and have a direct one on one exchange. It helps to clear up perceptions and misunderstandings. I don’t get this chance in a hearing; instead I am talking to their attorney or the judge. REDRESS has been very successful in addressing concerns employees have.”

Gary Hill Manager Distribution Operations
MLS P&DC – San Diego

“A manager reluctantly went to mediation believing that it would be just another conversation with the employee who he had been trying to work with for a long time. When mediation ended, he told me that, even though he had at least 50 conversations/discussions with the employee in the past, going to mediation was a totally different type of discussion and it was like they were really hearing each other for the first time. The case settled in mediation and, to my knowledge, there were no further problems between the employee and the manager.”

Nancy Howe
EEO ADR Specialist

“REDRESS, regardless of whether discrimination occurred or not, is a tremendous tool. It allows people to sit down and see each other for the first time, even when there is no settlement. Information is shared that makes a difference. I’ve seen lives changed for both management and the employee. Mediators can contribute to this effort and do so in many ways. However, when they are rigid about the process it doesn’t help. I tell my clients that grievances are black and white, but REDRESS mediations are about feelings and perceptions.”

Leonard Baldizan
Union EEO Rep.
Bay Valley Area

“I have been involved in mediations that I thought walking in involved insurmountable issues which could not be resolved in mediation. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the mediation process was able to put the two opposing sides together and find mutual ground to agree upon a resolution. The mediators I have dealt with were clearly able to recognize the issues and assist in getting both parties to an agreeable resolution.”

Vicki Barnard
Labor Relations Specialist

“Craft to management REDRESS is a perfect process and I have found it to be eye opening and beneficial to defining problems in person – perception is reality and when you can see and hear the other person’s perception you really can not grasp how they feel.”

Peter J. Book
Station Manager,
Lincoln NE

“Communication is so important in making our organization healthy and efficient. Sometimes our communication processes fail. Mediation gives us the opportunity to take quality time to work towards a better understanding of all sides. The relaxed and confidential atmosphere really helps participants find solutions acceptable to everyone involved. I much prefer mediation to a grievance.”

Neal F. Truitt
Sr. Manager, Distribution Operations

“The REDRESS program is an excellent resource for management to communicate with the employee. REDRESS allows for open and honest communication that is normally not fostered on a day to day basis. I have been in more than my share of REDRESS mediations and have had excellent results. In the end it creates a better work environment for the employee and the manager. What I have seen in most of my REDRESS situations is that the employee needs to be heard and understood on their specific issue. Once management acknowledges this, during REDRESS, the employee feels better about their work situation or specific issue that they had.”

Dion Helmick
Eagle CO 81631

“I really didn’t know what to expect but felt it was something to try in an effort to try to resolve issues I was having with my supervisor. I have always done my job and gotten along with my peers and my supervisors. This supervisor for some reason seemed to have something against me and constantly harassed and nagged me. I was fed up and decided to file and try REDRESS. REDRESS was the answer to my problems. I was able to talk to my supervisor and actually find out what the problem was and what caused it and cleared it up. Not only was the problem cleared up but I learned that we had so much in common and shared some of the same interests and had some of the same background. I think REDRESS is definitely the way to go when there are issues that need to be resolved. Any ill feelings we had toward each other are gone.”

REDRESS first timer
30 year employee

“You could definitely see the transformation and the shift from anger and resentment when the mediation started to understanding and acceptance when it ended. The mediation ended with apologies, laughter, jokes, and hugging. This was a textbook mediation, just the way transformative mediation should work.”

Dispute Resolution Coordinator

“Everything in this world can be seen as you wish. Good or Bad; Simple or Complicated; Easy or Difficult. It’s not how you look up to them, it's all up to the employees and management officials to take time out to understand that complex issues can be addressed with minimal effort resulting in a win – win situation.”

Cal Collins,
NALC Representative

“I think that the process is a good avenue for the letter carriers to address their issues or problems that they may be having with their manager or supervisor. They can address their issues directly to resolve and reach a resolution that is beneficial to everyone. REDRESS is quicker than going through the regular EEO process.”

Javier Rodriguez
Shop Steward
NALC, Branch 1071

“It is a good program that allows the employee to speak to their supervisor. They can discuss things that they would be afraid to say out on the work room floor. They have time to calm down and discuss how they were feeling at that particular time or moment. The mediation can give more insight on the situation that occurred.”

Wilma Huertas
Business Agent APWU
South Florida P&DC