NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Countering Terrorism

The fight against terrorism is high on NATO’s agenda. Both the Strategic Concept¹ and the Lisbon Summit Declaration² make clear that terrorism poses a real and serious threat to the security and safety of the Alliance and its members. NATO will continue to fight this scourge, individually and collectively, in accordance with international law and the principles of the UN Charter. NATO’s new Policy Guidelines for Alliance work on counter-terrorism focus on improved threat awareness, adequate capabilities and enhanced engagement with partner countries and other international actors.

Terrorism is a global threat that knows no border, nationality or religion. It is therefore a challenge that the international community must tackle together. Since the attacks of 11 September 2001, NATO has been actively engaged in the fight against terrorism. In response to those attacks, NATO invoked Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, the Alliance’s collective defence clause, for the first time in its history. The North Atlantic Council (NAC), the Alliance’s principal political decision-making body, decides on NATO’s overall role in the fight against terrorism.

The multifaceted nature of terrorism is such that NATO has engaged in a number of initiatives – political, operational, conceptual, military, technological and scientific – to address this issue. The creation of the Emerging Security Challenges Division within NATO Headquarters in August 2010 reflects NATO’s intent to deal with a growing range of non-traditional risks and challenges, including terrorism, in a cross-cutting manner.  NATO has since agreed new Policy Guidelines on Counter-Terrorism, which were endorsed at the Chicago Summit in May 2012.

The Alliance contributes to the international community’s fight against terrorism in several ways. First, NATO is a permanent transatlantic consultation forum, capable of transforming discussions into collective decisions and action. Second, NATO has at its disposal unique military and civilian capabilities that can contribute to fighting terrorism or managing the consequences of an attack. Third, NATO cooperates as part of a very large network of partnerships involving other states and international organizations.

1. Strategic Concept (paragraph 19, point 9)
2. Lisbon Summit Declaration (paragraph 39)
  • NATO's joint efforts


    NATO conducts a number of operations that support the fight against terrorism.

    Operation Active Endeavour

    Operation Active Endeavour (OAE) is a maritime surveillance operation led by NATO’s naval forces to detect, deter and protect against terrorist activity in the Mediterranean through monitoring, patrolling, escorting and compliant boarding. Initially limited to the Eastern Mediterranean, OAE was extended to the entire Mediterranean from March 2004.

    The operation was one of eight measures taken by NATO to support the United States following the 11 September 2001 attacks, and is currently NATO’s only counter-terrorism operation. Many non-NATO partner countries have also contributed to OAE in support of NATO’s operational activities against terrorism.

    NATO in Afghanistan

    Since August 2003, NATO has been leading the UN-mandated International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) to assist the Government of Afghanistan in expanding its authority and implementing security, thereby helping to remove the conditions in which terrorism could thrive. While not a counter-terrorism operation, ISAF represents NATO’s determination to help the people of Afghanistan build a stable, secure and democratic state free from the threat of terrorism. In addition, many NATO Allies have forces involved in Operation Enduring Freedom, the ongoing US-led military counter-terrorism operation whose major activities are in Afghanistan.

    Securing major public events

    NATO also provides assistance in protecting the security of major public events in Allied countries that might attract the interest of terrorists. It does this at the request of any member country by deploying capabilities such as NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircraft (AWACS) or elements of NATO’s multinational Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence Battalion. The Alliance has thus assisted high-visibility events such as NATO Summits and Ministerial meetings, as well as sporting events such as the Athens Olympic Games.

    NATO started to undertake this type of mission after it provided air surveillance to the United States in 2001 as part of the package of eight measures agreed immediately after the 11 September terrorist attacks. Operation Eagle Assist involved the deployment of NATO AWACS aircraft to the United States from mid-October 2001 to mid-May 2002 to protect the US homeland and enable US assets to be deployed for its campaign in Afghanistan.

    Managing the consequences of terrorist attacks

    Consequence management involves reactive measures to mitigate the destructive effects of terrorist attacks, incidents and natural disasters. Consequence management is primarily a national responsibility; however, NATO supports countries in several ways. For instance, it serves as a forum where planning arrangements for such eventualities can be coordinated among countries, therefore improving preparedness should a crisis develop. The Civil Emergency Planning Committee (CEPC), composed of national representatives, is responsible for bringing together NATO policies in the field of civil emergency planning and providing the measures to implement these policies.

    Protecting populations and infrastructure

    In the aftermath of the events of 11 September 2001, at the Prague Summit in 2002, a Civil Emergency Planning Action Plan was adopted for the protection of populations against the effects of weapons of mass destruction. Furthermore, a project was initiated the same year to develop non-binding guidelines and minimum standards for first responders regarding planning, training, procedures and equipment for CBRN incidents. The purpose of this initiative is to provide general guidelines that member and partner countries may draw upon on a voluntary basis to enhance their preparedness to protect populations against such risks. These guidelines also seek to improve interoperability between countries.

    NATO’s Public Health and Food/Water Group has developed treatment protocols for casualties following a CBRN attack and, more generally, the Alliance has defined coordination mechanisms for medical evacuation capabilities and a mechanism for allocating and transporting victims to facilities in other countries.

    To add flexibility, NATO has developed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the facilitation of vital civil cross border transport. This mechanism can be used, inter alia, for providing assistance required to cope with the consequences of a CBRN incident. The MoU aims to accelerate and simplify existing national border crossing procedures and customs clearance for international assistance to reach the desired location as quickly as possible.

    Providing timely information to the public is also a key component of consequence management. NATO has developed guidelines for use by countries in this field to ensure that coordinated warnings are given.

    The protection of critical infrastructure against CBRN attacks is principally a national responsibility. Nonetheless, NATO is working to increase national awareness on this issue.  

    The role of the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC)

    Allies have established an inventory of national civil and military capabilities that could be made available to assist stricken countries – both member and partner countries – following a CBRN terrorist attack. This inventory is maintained by the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC).

    The EADRCC was originally created in 1998 to coordinate responses to natural and man-made disasters and, since 2001, has been given an additional coordinating role for responses to potential terrorist acts involving CBRN agents. The Centre has a standing mandate to respond to a national request for assistance in the event of a terrorist attack using CBRN agents. It organizes major international field exercises to practice responses to simulated disaster situations and consequence management.

    NATO Crisis Management System

    The NATO Crisis Management System provides a structured array of pre-identified political, military and civilian measures to be implemented by states and NATO in response to various crisis scenarios. This system provides the Alliance with a comprehensive set of options and measures to manage and respond to crises appropriately. Within this system, specific Civil Emergency Planning Crisis Management Arrangements define the roles of the Civil Emergency Planning Committee, the Planning Groups, the EADRCC and the use of civil experts during times of crisis.

    Network of civil experts

    To support NATO’s work, a network of 380 civil experts located across the Euro-Atlantic area has been built based on specific areas of expertise frequently required. Their expertise covers all civil aspects relevant to NATO planning and operations, including crisis management, consequence management and critical infrastructure protection. Experts are drawn from government and industry. They participate in training and exercises and respond to requests for assistance in accordance with specific procedures known as the Civil Emergency Planning Crisis Management Arrangements.

  • NATO's capabilities

    NATO supports the development of capabilities and innovative technology that specifically address the threat of terrorism. The aim is to protect troops, civilians and critical infrastructure against attacks perpetrated by terrorists, such as suicide attacks with improvised explosive devices, rocket attacks against aircraft and helicopters and the potential use of weapons of mass destruction.

    The Defence Against Terrorism Programme of Work

    The Defence Against Terrorism (DAT) Programme of Work was developed by the Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD) in May 2004. It was later approved as part of an enhanced set of measures to strengthen the Alliance’s fight against terrorism at the Istanbul Summit in June 2004.

    The DAT Programme of Work has primarily focused on technological solutions to mitigate the effects of terrorist attacks. Most projects launched under the programme are focused on finding solutions that can be fielded in the short term. Individual NATO countries lead the projects with support and contributions from other member countries (and partner nations in some cases), NATO bodies and other stakeholders.

    With the increasing importance for the Alliance of countering non-traditional and emerging security challenges, the DAT Programme of Work was transferred to NATO’s Emerging Security Challenges Division in 2010, where it will be enhanced to offer the Alliance a broader, cross-cutting approach to address the most urgent capability needs in defending against terrorism.

    NATO’s DAT POW uses new or adapted technologies or methods to detect, disrupt and defeat assymmetric threats under three capability umbrellas:

    1. Incident Management
      This capability umbrella comprises initiatives to improve organisation and coordination in dealing with a terrorist incident. e.g. Protection of Harbours and Ports.
    2. Force Protection/Survivability
      This umbrella covers initiatives to improve “all measures and means to minimise the vulnerability of personnel, facilities, equipment and operations to any threat and in all situations, to preserve freedom of action and the operational effectiveness of the force.” Such initiatives include:
      • Large Aircraft Survivability against Man-Portable Air Defence Systems (MANPADS); 
      • Countering Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs);
      • Detection, Protection and Defeat of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Weapons;
      • Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and Consequence Management;
      • Non-Lethal Capabilities (NLC).
      • Defence against Mortar Attacks (DAMA)
      • Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
    3. Network Engagement
      This capability umbrella covers initiatives to improve identification and targeting of key nodes of Threat Networks e.g. Technology for Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Target Acquisition (ISRTA) and development of a HUMINT tool set.

    Capabilities to counter chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats

    The spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), their means of delivery and the possibility that terrorists will acquire them are acknowledged as principal threats to the Alliance. Therefore, NATO places a high priority on preventing the proliferation of WMD and defending against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats and hazards. The 2009 Comprehensive Strategic-Level Policy for Preventing the Proliferation of WMD and Defending Against CBRN Threats, endorsed at the 2009 Strasbourg-Kehl Summit, states that NATO will work actively to prevent the proliferation of WMD by state and non-state actors. NATO’s Strategic Concept, endorsed at the 2010 Lisbon Summit, reaffirms the Alliance's determination to ensure that NATO has the full range of capabilities necessary to deter and defend against any threat to the safety and security of our populations. It specifically emphasizes the need to further develop NATO's capacity to defend against the threat of CBRN weapons.

    The NATO multinational CBRN Defence Task Force (which consists of a CBRN Defence Battalion and a CBRN Joint Assessment Team), launched at the Prague Summit in 2002, is designed to respond to and manage the consequences of the use of CBRN agents both inside and beyond NATO’s area of responsibility. It regularly participates in NATO Response Force (NRF) rotations and may also be committed to other tasks. In addition, efforts are underway to identify capabilities to detect which chemical and biological agents have been used in an attack and to provide appropriate warning. NATO-certified Centres of Excellence on Joint CBRN Defence (in the Czech Republic) and on Defence against Terrorism (in Turkey) further enhance NATO’s capabilities to counter CBRN threats.

    Cyber defence

    Cyber attacks continue to pose a real threat to NATO and cyber defence will continue to be a core capability of the Alliance.

    NATO’s Strategic Concept and the 2010 Lisbon Summit Declaration recognise that the growing sophistication of cyber attacks makes the protection of the Alliance’s information and communications systems an urgent task for NATO, and one on which its security now depends.

    On 8 June 2011, NATO Defence Ministers approved a revised NATO Policy on Cyber Defence, a policy thatsets out a clear vision for efforts in cyber defence throughout the Alliance, and an associated Action Plan for its implementation. In October 2011, Ministers agreed on details of the Action Plan.

    In February 2012, a 58 million Euro contract was awarded to establish a NATO Computer Incident Response Capability (NCIRC), to be fully operational by the end of 2012. A Cyber Threat Awareness Cell is also being set up to enhance intelligence sharing and situational awareness.

    At Chicago in May 2012, heads of state and government reaffirmed their commitment to improve the Alliance’s cyberdefences, by bringing all of NATO networks under centralized protection and implementing the critical elements of the NCIRC’s full operational capability by the end of 2012.

    On 1 July 2012, against the background of the agencies reform, which is part of an ongoing NATO reform process, the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA) was established. The agency will facilitate bringing all NATO bodies under centralized protection and provide significant operational benefits and long-term cost savings.

    For complete information on Cyber defence visit the full A-Z Page  Defending against cyber attacks

    Improved intelligence-sharing

    Since 11 September 2001, NATO has sought to increase consultations on terrorism and terrorism-related issues among its members, as well as with non-member countries. Information-sharing and, more specifically, intelligence-sharing are key aspects of this exchange.

    At the 2002 Prague Summit, improved intelligence-sharing was identified as a key aspect of cooperation among Allies. A Terrorist Threat Intelligence Unit (TTIU) was set up under the NATO Office of Security at the end of 2003, replacing a temporary cell established immediately after the 11 September 2001 attacks. The TTIU functioned for the following seven years as a joint NATO body composed of officers from civilian and military intelligence agencies, having as its main task the assessment of the terrorist challenges, risks and threats to NATO and its member nations. To that end, the TTIU developed an efficient liaison mechanism with Allied intelligence services and national terrorism coordination centres. In addition, the TTIU shared terrorism-related information with partner nations.

    Based on the decision taken at the 2004 Istanbul Summit to review the intelligence structures at NATO Headquarters, connections with partner nations have been improved. In that regard, a new intelligence liaison cell was created at SHAPE in Mons, Belgium, and an Intelligence Liaison Unit (ILU) at NATO Headquarters in Brussels.

    Within the framework of the comprehensive intelligence reform at NATO Headquarters that took place in 2010-2011, the TTIU’s functions were taken over by the newly created Intelligence Unit. That transformation further enhanced the analytical approaches on terrorism and its links with other transnational threats. The current mechanism has also enhanced cooperation among the NATO civilian and military intelligence components, and preserved the previously developed mechanisms that ensure coherent intelligence-sharing with partners.

    3. The objectives of a former initiative, Precision Air-Drop Technologies, were achieved in 2008, thus this item was removed from the Programme.
  • NATO's partnerships

    The threat of terrorism does not affect NATO alone. As a result, the fight against terrorism has become an important element of NATO’s cooperation activities with partners around the world.

    The contributions by a number of partners to NATO’s operations, as well as their efforts to introduce defence reforms supported by NATO programmes, contribute to the prevention of terrorism. In addition, NATO is cooperating with other international organizations in order to ensure that information is shared and appropriate action can be taken more effectively in the fight against terrorism.

    The Partnership Action Plan against Terrorism (PAP-T)

    NATO and its partners are engaged in practical cooperation programmes within the framework of the Partnership Action Plan against Terrorism (PAP-T).

    The PAP-T was adopted at the Prague Summit in November 2002 drawing on the spirit of 12 September 2001, when the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) condemned the attacks on New York and Washington D.C. the previous day and offered the support of all 46 EAPC members to the United States.

    The Action Plan defines partnership roles as well as instruments to fight terrorism and manage its consequences. For instance, NATO and partner countries work together to improve the safety of air space, including through the exchange of data and coordination procedures related to the handling of possible terrorist threats.

    All EAPC countries participate in the PAP-T, and it is open to NATO’s Mediterranean Dialogue and Istanbul Cooperation Initiative partners, as well as other interested countries on a case-by-case basis.

    Three informal working groups have been set up under the PAP-T addressing the security of energy infrastructure, border security, as well as financial aspects of terrorism and disruption of terrorist organizations’ sources of finance.

    Deepening relations with partners to combat terrorism

    Combating terrorism was among the main drivers behind the creation of the NATO-Russia Council (NRC) in May 2002. The common fight against terrorism remains a key aspect of NATO’s dialogue with Russia, as well as a focus of the NRC’s practical cooperation activities. For example, Russia has contributed to the fight against terrorism by participating in Operation Active Endeavour, in 2006 and 2007.

    In December 2004, the NRC agreed an Action Plan on Terrorism that laid out areas of cooperation and was subject to regular review. In April 2011, NRC Foreign Ministers approved an updated NRC Action Plan on Terrorism that aims to enhance capabilities to act, individually and jointly, in three critical areas: preventing terrorism, combating terrorist activities and managing the consequences of terrorist acts (for more information, see NATO-Russia Action Plan on Terrorism).

    In 2003 the NRC also launched the Cooperative Airspace Initiative (CAI) to foster cooperation on airspace surveillance and air traffic coordination, with the underlying goal to enhance confidence-building and to strengthen capabilities required for the handling of situations in which aircraft are suspected of being used as weapons to perpetrate terrorist attacks. The CAI system became operational  in 2011.

    Relations with Mediterranean Dialogue partners have also deepened, including through contributions to Operation Active Endeavour.

    Furthermore, at the Istanbul Summit in June 2004, NATO launched the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative to reach out to countries in the broader Middle East region, widening NATO’s network of partnerships in order to facilitate the fight against terrorism.

    NATO has also reinforced its relations with partners across the globe. These are countries that are not NATO members but they share similar security concerns and have expressed an interest in developing relations with the Alliance through individual partnership relations. They comprise countries such as Australia, Mongolia, Japan, New Zealand, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Republic of Korea. Their level of involvement with NATO varies, as do the areas of cooperation.

    Increasing cooperation with other international organizations

    NATO is also working to deepen its relations with the European Union, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the United Nations to strengthen efforts in fighting terrorism.

    With regard to cooperation with the United Nations, NATO works with affiliated bodies such as the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee, its Executive Directorate and the Security Council Committee 1540. It has also established contacts with the UN on its Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and works closely with the UN agencies that play a leading role in responding to international disasters and in consequence management – the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons – as well as other organizations.

    NATO also exchanges views with the OSCE’s Transnational Threat Department’s Action against Terrorism Unit.

    Working with aviation authorities

    The use of civilian aircraft as a weapon on 11 September 2001 led NATO to heighten awareness of such forms of terrorism and enhance aviation security. NATO’s efforts in this field include improving civil-military coordination of air traffic control by working with EUROCONTROL, the International Civil Aviation Organization, the US Federal Aviation Authority, major national aviation and security authorities, airlines and pilot associations and the International Air Transport Association so that information is shared and action taken more effectively.

    Training and education

    NATO offers a range of training and education opportunities in the field of counter-terrorism to both Allies and partner countries. It can draw on a wide network that includes the NATO School in Oberammergau, Germany, the NATO Defence College in Rome, Italy and the Centres of Excellence (COEs) that support the NATO command structure. Currently, there are 19 COEs, 16 of which have been fully accredited by NATO. Several of the COEs have a link to the fight against terrorism, in particular the Centre of Excellence Defence Against Terrorism in Ankara. The Centre of Excellence for Defence Against Terrorism (COE-DAT) has served as both a location and catalyst for international dialogue and discussion regarding defence against terrorism issues. The COE-DAT has established links with over 50 countries and 40 organizations to provide subject matter expertise on terrorism.

    Science cooperation

    “Defence Against Terrorist Threats” is one of two key priorities under the NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme. The aim of the SPS Programme is to enhance security, stability, solidarity and support among NATO and partner nations by providing the best scientific technical expertise to help solve issues of mutual concern. The sub-elements of the “Defence Against Terrorist Threats” priority include such topics as: defensible methods of fuel, supply and personnel transportation; medical counter measures for non-CBRN terrorist attacks; explosives detection; computer terrorism countermeasures, cyber defence (i.e. the defence of communication and information systems (CIS)) and computer network exploitation by terrorists; the study of human factors in defence against terrorism; and border and port security (technology, systems approach and data fusion, intelligent borders, counter-proliferation).

    The “Defence Against Terrorist Threats” activities under the SPS Programme involve a variety of mechanisms, including workshops, training courses and multi-year research and development projects. A few examples of the activities initiated under this priority area include, but are not limited to:

    • New biosensors for rapid and accurate detection of anthrax;
    • New technology for detection of "dirty bombs";
    • Technologies for cargo container inspection;
    • Advanced techniques for bio-weapon defence;
    • Technology for stand-off detection of explosives (including the suicide bomber case);
    • Treatments for nerve agent poisoning;
    • Human and social aspects of terrorist activity (including root causes, social and psychological aspects of terrorism, use of the internet as a tool for recruitment, and the “intangibles of security”); and
    • Protecting information networks from terrorist attacks.

    The “Defence Against Terrorist Threats” element of the SPS Programme has been successful in bringing together scientists and experts from NATO and partner countries, thereby contributing to a better understanding of the terrorist threat, the development of detection and response measures, as well as fostering an effective network of experts in key fields.

    In addition, the 2010-2012 Action Plan for the NATO-Russia Council SPS Committee has identified the following three areas for cooperation between NATO and Russia under the SPS key priority of “Defence Against Terrorist Threats”:

    I) Explosives Detection: consisting of cooperative scientific research that will lead to better detection of both trace and bulk explosives. The most prominent example of this endeavour is the Stand-Off Detection of Explosives project, popularly called the STANDEX Programme;

    II) Information Technology-based Threats: cooperative research geared towards strengthening the security of systems that are vulnerable to terrorist attacks. The objective of this initiative is to create a better understanding of how terrorists use information technology; and

    III) The Study of Human Factors in Defence Against Terrorism: a dynamic and unconventional attempt to understand the motivations of terrorism from a social science perspective. In this context, the experience of the Virtual Forum provides an innovative platform for further discussion and research.

    This work will continue to be a core priority of the Science for Peace and Security Programme for the foreseeable future ( ).

  • Historical background

    The Alliance's 1999 Strategic Concept already identified terrorism as one of the risks affecting NATO’s security. The Alliance’s response to 11 September 2001, however, saw NATO engage actively in the fight against terrorism, launch its first operations outside the Euro-Atlantic area and begin a far-reaching transformation of its capabilities. NATO’s new Strategic Concept, adopted at the Lisbon Summit in November 2010, recognizes that terrorism poses a direct threat to the security of the citizens of NATO countries, and to international stability and prosperity more broadly.

    Response to 11 September 2001

    On the evening of 12 September 2001, less than 24 hours after the attacks, and for the first time in NATO's history, the Allies invoked Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, the Alliance’s collective defence clause.

    The North Atlantic Council - NATO’s principal political decision-making body - agreed that if it was determined that the attack had been directed from abroad against the United States, it would be regarded as an action covered by Article 5, which states that an armed attack against one or more of the Allies in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all.

    Earlier on the same day, NATO partner countries, in a meeting of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, condemned the attacks, offering their support to the United States and pledging to “undertake all efforts to combat the scourge of terrorism”. This was followed by declarations of solidarity and support from Russia, on 13 September, and Ukraine, on 14 September.

    On 2 October, Frank Taylor, the US Ambassador at Large and Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism, briefed the North Atlantic Council on the results of investigations into the 11 September attacks. As a result of the information he provided, the Council determined that the attacks had been directed from abroad and would be regarded as an action covered by Article 5 of the Washington Treaty.

    Two days later, on 4 October, NATO agreed on eight measures to support the United States:

    • to enhance intelligence sharing and cooperation, both bilaterally and in appropriate NATO bodies, relating to the threats posed by terrorism and the actions to be taken against it;
    • to provide, individually or collectively, as appropriate and according to their capabilities, assistance to Allies and other states which were or may be subject to increased terrorist threats as a result of their support for the campaign against terrorism;
    • to take necessary measures to provide increased security for facilities of the United States and other Allies on their territory;
    • to backfill selected Allied assets in NATO’s area of responsibility that were required to directly support operations against terrorism;
    • to provide blanket overflight clearances for the United States and other Allies’ aircraft, in accordance with the necessary air traffic arrangements and national procedures, for military flights related to operations against terrorism;
    • to provide access for the United States and other Allies to ports and airfields on the territory of NATO nations for operations against terrorism, including for refuelling, in accordance with national procedures;
    • that the Alliance was ready to deploy elements of its Standing Naval Forces to the Eastern Mediterranean in order to provide a NATO presence and demonstrate resolve; and
    • that the Alliance was similarly ready to deploy elements of its NATO Airborne Early Warning Force to support operations against terrorism.

    Shortly thereafter, NATO launched its first ever operation against terrorism – Operation Eagle Assist. At the request of the United States, seven NATO AWACS radar aircraft were sent to help patrol the skies over the United States from mid-October 2001 to mid-May 2002; in total 830 crewmembers from 13 NATO countries flew more than 360 sorties. This was the first time that NATO military assets were deployed in support of an Article 5 operation.

    On 26 October, the Alliance launched its second counter-terrorism operation in response to the attacks on the United States, Operation Active Endeavour. Elements of NATO's Standing Naval Forces were sent to patrol the eastern Mediterranean and monitor shipping to detect and deter terrorist activity, including illegal trafficking. On 10 March 2003, the operation was expanded to include escorting civilian shipping through the Strait of Gibraltar.

    Reykjavik meeting of Foreign Ministers – end of "out of area" debate

    NATO’s immediate response to 11 September 2001 was further strengthened by a decision at the Reykjavik meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in May 2002 that the Alliance would operate when and where necessary to fight terrorism.

    This landmark declaration effectively ended the debate on what constituted NATO’s area of operations and paved the way for the Alliance’s future engagement with ISAF in Afghanistan. It was also a catalyst for the broad transformation of the Alliance’s capabilities that was launched at the 2002 Prague Summit in November.

    Prague Summit - adapting to the threat of terrorism

    At the 21-22 November 2002 Prague Summit, NATO Heads of State and Government expressed their determination to deter, defend and protect their populations, territory and forces from any armed attack from abroad, including by terrorists.

    To this end, they adopted a Prague package, aimed at adapting NATO to the challenge of terrorism. It comprised:

    • a Military Concept for Defence against Terrorism: this underlines the Alliance’s readiness to act against terrorist attacks or the threat of such attacks; to lead or support counter-terrorism operations; provide assistance to national authorities in dealing with the consequence of terrorist attacks; support operations by other international organizations or coalitions involving Allies on a case-by-case basis; and to conduct military operations to engage terrorist groups and their capabilities, as and where required, and as decided by the North Atlantic Council;
    • a Partnership Action Plan against Terrorism (PAP-T);
    • five nuclear, biological and chemical defence initiatives: a deployable nuclear, biological and chemical analytical laboratory; a nuclear, biological and chemical event response team; a virtual centre of excellence for nuclear, biological and chemical weapons defence; a NATO biological and chemical defence stockpile; and a disease surveillance system;
    • protection of civilian populations, including a Civil Emergency Planning Action Plan;
    • missile defence: Allies are examining options for addressing the increasing missile threat to Alliance populations, territory and forces in an effective and efficient way through an appropriate mix of political and defence efforts, along with deterrence;
    • cyber-defence: efforts are underway within the Alliance to better protect against and prepare for a possible disruption of NATO and national critical infrastructure assets, including information and communications systems;
    • cooperation with other international organizations; and
    • improved intelligence sharing.

    In addition, they decided to create the NATO Response Force, streamline the military command structure and launch the Prague Capabilities Commitment to better prepare NATO’s military forces to face new challenges, including terrorism.

    Riga Summit – reaffirming the threat of terrorism

    In endorsing the Comprehensive Political Guidance at the Riga Summit in November 2006, NATO’s Heads of State and Government recognized that “Terrorism, increasingly global in scope and lethal in results, and the spread of weapons of mass destruction are likely to be the principal threats to the Alliance over the next 10 to 15 years.”

    Lisbon Summit – a new Strategic Concept

    At the November 2010 Summit of NATO Heads of State and Government in Lisbon, NATO adopted a new Strategic Concept, which outlines NATO’s enduring purpose and nature and its fundamental security tasks.

    The security environment and the Alliance had changed considerably since the previous Strategic Concept was adopted in 1999. The 2010 Strategic Concept recognizes new and emerging security threats that have arisen, especially since the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks. It identifies terrorism as a direct threat to the security of the citizens of NATO countries, and to international stability and prosperity more broadly, and commits Allies to enhance the capacity to detect and defend against international terrorism, including through enhanced analysis of the threat, more consultations with our partners, and the development of appropriate military capabilities, including to help train local forces to fight terrorism themselves.

    Chicago Summit – New Policy Guidelines

    At the May 2012 Summit of NATO Heads of State and Government in Chicago, NATO endorsed new Policy Guidelines for Alliance work on counter-terrorism, which focus on improved threat awareness, adequate capabilities and enhanced engagement with partner countries and other international actors.

  • Decision-making bodies

    The North Atlantic Council, the Alliance’s principal political decision-making body, decides on NATO’s overall role in the fight against terrorism. Specific aspects of NATO’s involvement are developed through specialized bodies and committees.

    For instance, depending on the participating countries or the issue, the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) can be involved, as can the NATO-Russia Council or the NATO-Ukraine Commission.

    The Civil Emergency Planning Committee is the main NATO advisory body for the protection of civilian populations and the use of civil resources in support of NATO's objectives in the fields of terrorism preparedness and consequence management, humanitarian and disaster response and protecting critical infrastructure.

    The CEPC coordinates planning in several areas, to ensure – when necessary - civil support for the Alliance ’s military operations or support for national authorities in civil emergencies.

    The committee has for example developed a plan for improving the civil preparedness of NATO and Partner countries against terrorist attacks.

    The Committee on Proliferation (CP) is the senior advisory body to the North Atlantic Council on proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their associated delivery systems and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) defence. The CP is responsible for information sharing, policy development and coordination on the issues of prevention of and response to proliferation, including terrorist access to WMD, bringing together experts and officials with responsibilities in this field.

Last updated: 23-May-2012 16:10
