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The NATO ESCD Energy Security Section has just launched a new LibGuide on 'Smart Energy'. This LibGuide serves as a central information sharing platform on the topic of energy efficiency and effectiveness in the military at NATO. 

It is a part of the NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) project 'Smart Energy Team' (SENT).

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Arctic Security
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Feb 15, 2013

592 views this year
Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Feb 15, 2013

341 views this year
Conflict Prevention and Diplomacy
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Feb 11, 2013

302 views this year
Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Feb 15, 2013

654 views this year
Cyberspace Security
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Feb 15, 2013

1,124 views this year
Energy Security
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Feb 13, 2013

354 views this year
Intelligence Sharing
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Feb 15, 2013

420 views this year
Maritime Security
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Feb 15, 2013

432 views this year
Mine Clearance and Small Arms/Light Weapons (SALW) Destruction
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Jan 21, 2013

72 views this year
Missile Defence
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Feb 15, 2013

468 views this year
NATO - Russia Relations
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Feb 15, 2013

235 views this year
NATO - UN Relations
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Jan 2, 2013

164 views this year
NATO and Libya - Special Focus
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Jan 4, 2012

314 views this year
NATO and the Balkans
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Feb 15, 2013

310 views this year
NATO Centres of Excellence
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Jan 22, 2013

322 views this year
NATO Comprehensive Approach : NATO - EU relations
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Jan 29, 2013

1,066 views this year
NATO in Afghanistan: Transition
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Feb 15, 2013

411 views this year
NATO Military Command Structure
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Jan 31, 2013

907 views this year
NATO Partnerships
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Feb 15, 2013

365 views this year
NATO Support to Turkey
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Feb 15, 2013

392 views this year
NATO Transformation - NATO Capabilities
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Feb 12, 2013

336 views this year
NATO's New Strategic Concept
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Jan 2, 2013

743 views this year
Science and Technology to Combat Terrorism
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Feb 7, 2013

278 views this year
Smart Defence and Interoperability
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Feb 12, 2013

1,150 views this year
Smart Energy
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Feb 15, 2013
378 views this year
Women, Peace and Security
by NATO Librarians - Last Updated Jan 30, 2013

700 views this year

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