nd turbines and solar panels


Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir, Turkey

Dec 5 – 9, 2011

Why Consider Turkey?   

Turkey's rapidly expanding economy, the growing purchasing power of industry and consumers, and its effort to join the European Union have attracted the increasing attention of American exporters. 

Under the Renewable Energy Export Initiative, the U.S. Department of Commerce has identified Turkey as one of a handful of priority markets worldwide, which will focus U.S. trade and project finance resources to support American business activity in this dynamic country.  Turkey has a receptive political climate for renewable energy and energy efficiency under their Energy Efficiency Law and, more recently, with their 2010 Renewable Energy Law.

  • U.S. exports to Turkey were over $7 billion in 2009 and over $10 billion in 2010, a 40% year on year increase. 
  • U.S. exports are projected to grow to over $12 billion this year – more than 2010 U.S. sales to Russia, Poland, Greece, and Bulgaria combined. 
  • Energy demand in Turkey will grow nearly 5-7% per year into 2023, requiring over $100 billion of investment in power generation, transmission, and distribution. 
  • By 2023, Turkey intends to produce 30% of its power needs from renewable resources, including solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and biomass. 
  • To become more competitive, Turkish industry is increasingly looking at energy efficient solutions, including an innovative project sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy in the Ataturk Organized Industrial Zone in Izmir. 

For more information, download the Pamphlet, Mission Statement, or call Glen Roberts at 559-348-9859.


The United States Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service (CS) is organizing a Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Trade Mission to Turkey on December 5-9, 2011. Led by a senior Department of Commerce official, the mission will include representatives from a variety of U.S. firms specializing in the following product areas:

  • Wind Turbines;
  • Geothermal Exploration, Drilling and Geophysical Engineering Services;
  • Geothermal Power Plant Equipment;
  • Biomass Power Generation;
  • Hydroelectric Power Plant Equipment Supply;
  • Solar Power Generation Systems;
  • Cogeneration Systems;
  • Energy Efficiency Systems and Solutions;
  • Fuel Cells, Heat Pumps Exc.

Mission participants will be introduced to international agents, distributors, and end-users whose capabilities and services are targeted to each participant’s needs. This mission will contribute to the National Export Initiative and the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Export Initiative goals through increased sales of U.S. equipment/services in Turkey. The participants will also have a site visit to the Izmir Ataturk Organized Industrial Zone, targeted by the U.S. Department of Energy for a Near-Zero Zone Project (NZZ) to promote industrial energy efficiency and potential U.S. export opportunities. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), in coordination with other U.S. agencies, is launching the Near-Zero Zone project. This interagency project has the support of the Turkish government and business organizations, and will help industrial companies operating within the Izmir Ataturk Organized Industrial Zone (IAOSB) reduce their energy usage through a series of cost-effective efficiency upgrades.

One-on-one meetings with NZZ industrial participants will also be included, to follow quickly on an energy efficiency survey to be completed in September 2011. This mission will be an important deliverable for our bilateral Framework for Strategic Economic and Commercial Cooperation mechanism, a new process of engagement with the government of Turkey on economic and trade issues, chaired by Secretary Locke and U.S. Trade Representative, Ron Kirk.

Participants will have an opportunity to meet with major buyers, and potential agents and distributors operating in Ankara, Istanbul, and Izmir, Turkey.

For additional information and assistance contact:

Glen Roberts


+1 559 348 9859

Serdar Cetinkaya


+90 312 457 7203