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Thomas Zimmerman
Flynn shares strategic leader vision as part of De Serio lecture

Jan. 7, 2013 -- The top officer at the Defense Intelligence Agency discussed the changing nature of intelligence gathering and shared his vision and thoughts on the skills necessary for strategic leaders who will emerge from the Army War College Class of 2013 in a Bliss Hall address Jan. 7.

Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, DIA director, opened with an overview of the agency’s role in today’s global environment and how intelligence gathering has changed including advances in technology, the development of new systems and the sharing of information.

“The way we operate now is very fluid and complex,” he said. “Instead of days and months to analyze data, we have minutes and hours.” 

Despite changes in how intelligence is gathered and used, the demand for intelligence is unchanged.

“Intelligence must remain a strategic advantage for our nation,” he said. “To do so we must work together. Not working together is the biggest threat to our country.”

Flynn shared his thoughts on strategic leadership and provided food for thought for the students.

  • Be a life-long learner
  • Humility at the most senior level of command is important
  • Teach, coach and mentor
  • Stress teamwork
  • Have an ability to compromise
  • Manage/balance time for both you and others
  • Be decisive and exude confidence
  • Re-energize your leadership skills at every opportunity.

A combination of these skills and strong working relationships are keys to the success as a strategic leader.

“Relationships between leaders at the combined and joint level are how we will accomplish our missions,” he said.

He closed with a reminder that leadership is important and is necessary at every level.

“You don’t have to have stars to be a leader,” he said. “Anyone can lead people to do very heroic things.”

Flynn provided his remarks as the first speaker for the 2013 Francis De Serio Lecture Series. The lecture and associated USAWC Strategic and Theater Intelligence Chair, are named in honor of the 1972 USAWC grad, supported by the Russell Pearce Heuer and Elizabeth Crimean Heuer Foundation through the Army War College Foundation.