We Are THE ARMED SERVICES BLOOD PROGRAM - The Official Website of the United States Military Blood Program
Kendrick Memorial Blood Center
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You’ve got what it takes to save three lives with a single donation. By giving a little of yourself, your donation gives sick or injured troops and their families a second chance at life.

Blood and blood products are used for patients of all ages for many reasons—from cancer patients to those with battlefield injuries, military service members and their families depend on blood donors every day.

Your donation can save:

  • A service member injured in action
  • A child with cancer
  • A family member in need of heart surgery

It’s easy to save lives! By committing to give blood at least once a season, you help ensure that blood is available when it is needed most. Give blood now by scheduling your donation appointment online.

small heart graphic WE STILL NEED YOU!

Even if you are deferred from donating, we still need you!
When you organize a blood drive, ask others to donate, volunteer at blood drives, or simply watch a friend's children so they can donate, you play an important part in helping those in need.