
'Your friendly Afghan National Army was here'

ZHARI, Kandahar — When coalition forces in this district patrol a village at night, they'll soon be leaving behind a note: Your friendly Afghan National Army was here.

The encouraging message is a counter to the Taliban's night letters that threaten beheadings or other gruesome death sentences for anyone who stands against them.

The 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division out of Fort Campbell, Ky., wants to undermine the perception that the Taliban run rampant at night because the ANA doesn't operate then. The soldiers want villagers to wake up and feel like someone was looking out for them while they slept.

The note is filled with pictures of ANA soldiers, for those who are illiterate, and says in Pashto: "ANA soldiers walk through your villages ... the government is strong and getting stronger ... there's a new future ahead. Join it."


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