United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Cemeteries - Los Angeles National Cemetery

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Los Angeles National Cemetery
950 South Sepulveda Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90049

Phone: (310) 268-4675 or 4494
FAX: (310) 268-3257

To schedule burials: See General Information

Office Hours:
Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Closed federal holidays except Memorial Day and Veterans Day.

Visitation Hours:
Open daily, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. except Memorial Day 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

A photo of Los Angeles chapel. A white stone building with Spanish adobe roofing with colorful rose bushes lined in front.

Burial Space: Los Angeles National Cemetery is closed to new interments.
See General Information

General Information Kiosk on Site? Yes

Floral/Grounds Policy 

Directions from nearest airport: 
Cemetery is located near the Western section of Los Angeles. From Los Angeles International Airport, take Century Blvd. 1.5 miles to I-405 North. Travel 7.5 miles to the Wilshire West exit, then travel about 200 feet to Sepulveda Blvd. Turn North on Sepulveda and continue about .5 mile to cemetery entrance.


To schedule a burial: Fax all discharge documentation to the National Cemetery Scheduling Office at 1-866-900-6417 and follow-up with a phone call to

In fiscal year 1997, the Los Angeles National Cemetery established a Rose Garden Ossuary for scattering of cremated remains.

Burial Space
Los Angeles National Cemetery is closed to new interments. The only interments that are being accepted are subsequent interments for veterans or eligible family members in an existing gravesite. Periodically however, burial space may become available due to a canceled reservation or when a disinterment has been completed. When either of these two scenarios occurs, the gravesite is made available to another eligible veteran on a first-come, first-served basis. Since there is no way to know in advance when a gravesite may become available, please contact the cemetery at the time of need to inquire whether space is available.
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Guidelines For Motion Pictures/Student Filming
Due to the cemetery's proximity to the film industry, several requests for filming and photography are received each year. The following quidelines are followed: The location manager/student must contact the cemetery prior to any filming or photographs being taken. A script must be provided for filming of any type. A narrative description of all photo shoots is required. Identification must be shown at the time of scheduling any filming. A location permit must be signed and approved by the Cemetery Director prior to any filming or photo shoots.
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The Los Angeles National Cemetery, located across from what is now the VA Greater Los Angeles Health Care System, has grown to more than 114 acres since its late 19th century origins. The first interment dates to a few days prior to the May 22, 1889 dedication of the cemetery. In 1973, the cemetery was transferred from the then-Veterans Administration Medical Center to what was then the National Cemetery System.

The Los Angeles National Cemetery opened as one of 11 facilities operated by the Veterans Administration, on lands shared with national veterans' homes or asylums for disabled soldiers. The Pacific Branch of the National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers was established in 1887 on Santa Monica ranch lands donated by Senator John P. Jones and Arcadia B. de Baker. The following year, the site grew by an additional 200 acres; in 1890, 20 more acres were appended for use as a veterans' cemetery. By this time, with more than 1,000 veterans in residence, a new hospital was erected in 1900. It was replaced in 1927 by Wadsworth Hospital, and a second facility, Brentwood Hospital, was also constructed in the 1920s.

Some of the built features are unusual, including an administration building-chapel, 1939-40, and the NCA's only indoor columbarium, 1940-41, both built by the Works Progress Administration in a distinctive Spanish Revival style of stucco and tile. The original gatehouse and entrance gates have been removed.

Two unusual canine burials distinguish Los Angeles National Cemetery, although this practice is prohibited today. Old Bonus, an adopted pet of residents in the soldiers’ home, and Blackout, a war dog wounded in the Pacific during World War II, are both buried here.

Monuments and Memorials
A granite oblelisk erected in Memory of the Men Who Offered Their Lives in Defense of Their Country is situated in the San Juan Hill area of the cemetery. Date of dedication and donor information has not been located.

A monument to Civil War Soldiers was erected in 1942. A bronze soldier standing at parade rest is perched atop a boulder The United Spanish War Veterans monument, also known as the Spirit of ’98, is a bright white marble composition of three figures completed in 1950 by sculptor Roger Noble Burnham. The memorial crumbled after a 1971 earthquake. In 1973, sculptor David Wilkens re-created the monument out of concrete and plaster, reinforcing it with rebar. The plaque from the original sculpture survived and was imbedded on the new sculpture.
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Medal of Honor Recipients
Landsman William F. Lukes (Korean Campaign of 1871) U. S. Navy, Company D. Korean Forts, June 9 & 10, 1871 (Section 7, Grave F-19).

Private Charles W. Rundle, (Civil War) U.S. Army, Company A, 116th Illinois Infantry. Vicksburg, Miss., May 22, 1863 (Section 34, Grave 1-11).

Sergeant George H. Eldridge, (Indian Campaigns) U.S. Army, Company C, 6th U.S. Calvary. Wichita River, Texas, July 12, 1870 (Section 37, Grave B-1).

Sergeant (then Corporal) Luther Kaltenbach, (Civil War) U.S. Army, Company F, 12 Iowa Infantry. Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1864 (Section 43, Grave A-15).

Sergeant First Class (then Sergeant) Chris Carr (medal awarded under name of Christos H. Karaberis), (World War II), U.S. Army, Company L, 337th Infantry, 85th Infantry Division. Guignola, Italy, Oct. 1 & 2, 1944 (Section 275, Grave G-15).

Private Robert H. Von Schlick (China Relief Expedition, Boxer Rebellion) U.S. Army, Infantry, Company C, 9th U.S. Infantry. Tientsin, China, July 13, 1900 (Section 81, Grave G-20).

Corporal Edwin Phoenix, (Indian Campaigns) U.S. Army, Company E, 4th U.S. Calvary. Red River Texas, Sept. 26-28, 1875 (Section 67, Grave H-22).

Wagoner Griffin Seward, (Indian Campaigns) U.S. Army, Company G, 8th U.S. Calvary. Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona Territory, Oct. 20, 1869 (Section 15, Grave D-10).

Farrier Samuel Porter, (Indian Campaigns) U.S. Army, Company L, 6th U.S. Calvary. Wichita River, Texas, July 12, 1870 (Section 40, Grave E-6).

Sergeant (then Private) Edward Murphy, (Indian Campaigns) U.S. Army, Company G, 1st U.S. Calvary. Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona Territory, Oct. 20, 1869 (Section 44, Grave 1-22).

Corporal Harry Harvey (true name was Harry Huckman), (Civil War) U. S. Army, Company A, 22nd New York Calvary. Waynesboro, Va., March 2, 1865 (Section 60, Grave E-4).

Color Sergeant George McKee, (Civil War), U.S. Army, Company D, 89th New York Infantry. Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865 (Section 1, Grave G-2).

Coxswain Timothy Sullivan, (Civil War) U.S. Navy, USS Louisville. Battles in Arkansas, Tennessee and Mississippi, unknown date of action (Section 18, Grave H-2).

Corporal (then Private) James Sweeney, (Civil War) U.S. Army, Company A, 1st Vermont Cavalry. Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864 (Section 78, Grave P-3).

Over 100 Buffalo Soldiers are interred at the Los Angeles National Cemetery. These African American soldiers were members of the 9th, 10th, 24th, and 25th Cavalry during the Civil War.

Nicholas P. Earp father of Wyatt Earp, Section 13 grave number A-18. War Dog "Bonus" buried with handler, Charles E. Temple - Ensign USNR, Section 101 Grave 1 Row A.

War Dog "Blackout" buried with handler, George Lewis Oshier, Cook U.S. Navy/Sergeant U.S. Marine Corps, Section 99 Grave 2 Row A.
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Cemetery policies are conspicuously posted and readily visible to the public.

Floral arrangements accompanying the casket or urn at the time of burial will be placed on the completed grave. Natural cut flowers may be placed on graves at any time of the year. They will be removed when they become unsightly or when it becomes necessary to facilitate cemetery operations such as mowing.

Artificial flowers and potted plants will be permitted on graves during periods when their presence will not interfere with grounds maintenance. As a general rule, artificial flowers and potted plants will be allowed on graves for a period extending 10 days before through 10 days after Easter Sunday and Memorial Day.

Christmas wreaths, grave blankets and other seasonal adornments may be placed on graves from Dec. 1 through Jan. 20. They may not be secured to headstones or markers.

Permanent plantings, statues, vigil lights, breakable objects and similar items are not permitted on the graves. The Department of Veterans Affairs does not permit adornments that are considered offensive, inconsistent with the dignity of the cemetery or considered hazardous to cemetery personnel. For example, items incorporating beads or wires may become entangled in mowers or other equipment and cause injury.

Permanent items removed from graves will be placed in an inconspicuous holding area for one month prior to disposal. Decorative items removed from graves remain the property of the donor but are under the custodianship of the cemetery. If not retrieved by the donor, they are then governed by the rules for disposal of federal property.
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