NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974




GPU Testbed and Evaluation

GPU Testbed and Evaluation GPUs are becoming more widely used for computational science applications, and GPU testbeds have been requested at the requirements workshops NERSC has been conducting with its users. In April 2010 NERSC fielded a 48-node Fermi GPU cluster called "dirac" that consists of InfiniBand-connected Nehalem host-nodes. The GPU accelerated cluster consist of 44 nodes containing NVidia Fermi C2050 GPU's, containing 3 Gigabytes of memory each, and 8 NVidia C1060 GPUs. The… Read More »


| Tags: Data, Magellan

Hadoop is an open-source implementation of the popular MapReduce Programming Model. In addition to MapReduce and a dsitributed File System (HDFS), Hadoop has a rich ecosystem of high-level languages (i.e. Pig) and data storage models (HBase, Hive, etc). Read More »