


OPENING DATE:  February 1, 2013


                                                          [STAGE 2]  October 15, 2013

The primary objective of activities under this Annual Program Statement (APS) is to increase mutually beneficial economic partnerships and linkages between Armenian and Turkish organizations to promote longer-term economic development and Armenia-Turkey reconciliation. The APS allows for a range of ideas, focusing on various mutually-beneficial partnership opportunities and economic prospects to foster Armenia-Turkey reconciliation.


Potential partners include Armenian registered organizations owned and operated by Armenians, such as private businesses, business and trade organizations, think-tanks, business-oriented NGOs and private for-profit companies willing to forego profit. Potential local private for-profit applicants should note that the payment of fee/profit to the prime recipient under grants and cooperative agreements is not allowed. Only those applications that identify agreed upon partnerships with Turkish counterpart organizations will be eligible for award.

To be considered eligible to apply under this APS, the prime applicant must satisfy a number of conditions. Please visit (key words for search "Armenia" and "APS-111-13-000001" to download the full announcement. 


Applications must be submitted in electronic form in addition or instead of the hard copies to the attention of Narine Sarkisian, Acquisition and Assistance Specialist, USAID/Armenia at and copy Armen Yeghiazarian, Acquisition and Assistance Specialist, at


This is an Annual Program Statement and applications are due to USAID/Armenia on October 15, 2013, 17:00 PM Local Time. However, USAID will initiate review of applications and will make the awards in two stages, according to the following schedule:

  • Stage I (with total available funding up to $500,000):   Applications received from the initial posting date through March 18, 2013, 17:00PM Local Time, will be reviewed and considered for award in Fiscal Year 2013, subject to availability of funds.  APS Clarification Questions Due Date for Stage I is February 21, 2013 17:00PM Local Time.
  • Stage II (with total available funding up to $500,000):   Applications received from March 19, 2013 through October 15, 2013, will be reviewed and considered for award in Fiscal Year 2014, subject to availability of funds.  APS Clarification Questions Due Date for Stage II is August 15, 2013 17:00PM Local Time.

Any clarification questions concerning the APS should be submitted in writing by the dates as specified above to Narine Sarkisian via email at, and copy Armen Yeghiazarian, Acquisition and Assistance Specialist, via email at



OPENING DATE: January 15, 2013


Awards Between $300,000 and $1,500,000 Available to Organizations That Can Offer Market-based, Clean Energy Solutions for Agriculture - USAID, The Government of Sweden and Duke Energy Invite You to Share Ideas to Improve Agricultural Production and Reduce Hunger.

Organizations and individuals in Armenia are invited to apply forPowering Agriculture: An Energy Grand Challenge for Development (PAEGC), a global funding competition focused on supporting new and sustainable approaches to accelerate the development and deployment of clean energy solutions for increasing agriculture productivity in developing countries.

BRIEF OVERVIEW: Today 1.4 billion people live without access to modern energy services, severely limiting their opportunities for social and economic development. In many locations, farmers and agribusinesses aren’t aware of the clean energy technologies that might increase productivity/profitability of their operations, and even where there is demand, few examples exist of proven business models that can link clean energy enterprises with farm communities and agribusinesses. Where technologies are available, many do not match the performance and/or price points required in emerging markets.

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) partnered with the Government of Sweden, Duke Energy, USDA, OPIC, and AfDB to launch Powering Agriculture: An Energy Grand Challenge for Development (PAEGC).The PAEGC program pools over $20 million, with the goal of increasing clean energy access and supporting economic growth in the developing world through funding and support for market-based clean energy innovations for farmers and agri-businesses. Through your clean energy solutions, this program will result in enhanced food security and increased economic resiliency in communities throughout the developing world.

In its first round of funding, Powering Agriculture is offering awards of between $300,000 and $1,500,000 for projects that develop innovative technical and business solutions for expanding clean energy access to farmers and agribusinesses.

To learn more about this opportunity and to find information on how to apply for funding, please visit:  DEADLINE: Grant applications will be accepted from 1/15/13 to 2/6/13 5PM EST. 




USAID/Armenia favors open processes with full opportunity to participate and compete for funds. Before funding any project, we develop a Request for Proposals (RFP) or a Request for Applications (RFA). Sometimes, rather than funding an individual project, we invite applications in a broader area through an Annual Program Statement (APS).

  • We post contract opportunities (RFPs) on (click on VENDORS, then select acronym AID, then Overseas Missions Locations, then select Armenia - Posted Dates).
  • We post grant opportunities at (click on Applicant section, then select US Agency for International Development under "Browse by Agency").

Please visit this page on a regular basis to learn about USAID/Armenia's new solicitations and other Mission announcements. Submitted proposals or applications should respond to the goals set out in the solicitation.