Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)

Workers who install systems have a critical role in reducing both the upfront and the lifecycle costs of PV systems. Labor costs represent a significant portion of total system costs. And although the effect is not observed in upfront $/watt costs, subpar installation practices increase cost by limiting system performance, effectively increasing the system levelized cost of energy. A well-trained installer can install a system to maximize system performance as well as to prevent future fire and safety hazards.

  • Sandia will assist in code official training in fire, electrical, and building inspection areas and the process of granting permits.
  • Sandia will contribute to assessing industry gaps with recommendations about information needs.
  • Other information products. Beyond code officials, and at a broader level, communicating our applied R&D is a vital Sandia function. Our information products and communication vehicles will provide technical information, reports, presentations, and associated materials about new and emerging solar technologies. As the Labs develop new prototypes and industry introduces new products, Sandia will provide information regarding best applications and practices for product use.

Sandia will make use of e-Newsletters as a general communication vehicle to the broad industry, along with other proactive outreach communication methods including websites, video, and stakeholder meetings, for those involved with PV systems installations throughout many disciplines as a broader dissemination to stakeholders beyond code-official training.

In terms of installation, anticipated information products that will be produced or refined this year may include updated interconnection information, PV Value Tool, an expedited process for structural permitting, system energy ratings, PV modeling collaborative, PV failure modes effects analysis group, inverter advancements, transients and overvoltage, arc faults, and other general and specific topics

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