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Related NRCS Land Conservation Tools

Crop Nutrient Tool - The Crop Nutrient Uptake Tool provides estimates of nutrient removal by crops at various levels, such as the farm, conservation district, and watershed level. These estimates are used to calculate nutrient balance sheets, which are employed in the design of animal waste management systems.
ESIS - Ecological Site Information System. The Ecological Site Inventory Database for Rangeland Data and the Ecological Site Inventory Database for Forest Soils are available for use. The Ecological Site Inventory (ESI) application provides the capability to enter, edit and retrieve forestry and agroforestry site plot data. ESI-Forestland is the official repository for all site plot data collected via the Soil-Woodland Correlation Field Data Sheet (ECS-005) and the Windbreak-Soil-Species Evaluation Data Sheet (ECS-004).
Other NRCS Technical Resources - NRCS has a broad range of technical information, resources, tools, models, and data to help you improve the ecological health of the land and plan for a sustainable future. These address important environmental themes including air, water, and soil quality, natural resource data and analysis, agroforestry, range and pasture improvement, and wildlife biology.
Plant Materials - The Plant Materials Program develops plant materials and plant technology for the conservation of the Nation's natural resources. Many of today's environmental problems can be addressed effectively through the use of plants. Plant Materials centers and specialists provide state-of-the-art technology to help field offices and land users solve critical natural resource issues. The Plant Materials program strives to meet the challenge by: a) developing new technology for current conservation needs, and b) transferring this information to its customers.