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Supercomputers could help speed up the drug discovery process by identifying suitable chemicals (seen as gray spheres)October 2012Science Highlights

Designing Drugs on Supercomputers

Researchers use Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility to accelerate drug discovery. Read More »

Supercomputer simulation of the evolution of the universeOctober 2012Science Highlights

Universe in a (Blue) Bottle

Simulating the evolution of the universe on the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility’s IBM Blue Gene/Q. Read More »

“Early Universe” simulation, performed on NERSC supercomputerOctober 2012Science Highlights

“Dark Fiber” Enables Research to Create Tomorrow’s Internet

The Advanced Networking Initiative testbed is allowing researchers to develop radical new technologies for the next generation Internet. Read More »

Elementary molecular model of Plutonium Dioxide.October 2012Science Highlights

A Major Advance in Understanding Plutonium

Observation of a plutonium nuclear magnetic resonance ends 50-year search and provides a key to deciphering its complex properties. Read More »

To map the oceanic subsurface at a scale and resolution previously unknown, EMGeo unites the latest in computing power with advanced geophysical imaging techniques.October 2012Science Highlights

Finding Hidden Oil and Gas Reserves

Supercomputers + Software + electromagnetic images yield new way to discriminate underground deposits from surrounding geology. Read More »

Schematic representation of the atomic lattice of Tellurium-Antimony (Sb)-Germanium (Ge)-Silver (Ag) thermoelectric doped with rare earth dysprosium (Dy).October 2012Science Highlights

Rare Earth Atoms Make the Best Thermoelectrics Better

Small addition of rare earth element makes a big difference in converting heat to electricity. Read More »

Electron momentum energy map of an oxygen (O2) moleculeOctober 2012Science Highlights

The Dance of Atoms in Molecules Captured in Ultrafast Time

The first real-time images of two atoms vibrating in a molecule have been captured using a technique called laser-induced electron diffraction. Read More »

Photoionization/mass spectrometry apparatus at the Advanced Light SourceOctober 2012Science Highlights

Synchrotron plus Mass Spectrometer equals New Insights Into Combustion Chemistry

Unique analysis of the reaction of propene with oxygen atom reveals the influence of electron spin on combustion chemistry. Read More »

Spatially resolved activation energy map overlaid with sample topographyOctober 2012Science Highlights

Catching Lithium Ions in Action in a Battery Electrode

New microscopy with nanometer-sized resolution may bring revolutionary new understanding to energy storage technologies. Read More »

Helically Symmetric Experiment at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.October 2012Science Highlights

Large Plasma Flow Discovered in the Helically Symmetric Experiment

A new type of stellarator could be a promising candidate for future fusion reactors. Read More »

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Last modified: 12/13/2012 4:13:04 PM