EERE Responds to Uncertainty in Research Projects to Support Promising New Technology

clock October 28, 2011 17:01 by author Bulletin Board
Research and development has always carried some level of risk. Advanced technology projects involve significant unknowns, and may need to resolve complex scientific questions before a new technology can be brought to market. Recognizing this, EERE regularly evaluates the financial assistance projects in its portfolio and uses a variety of techniques to identify and respond to sources of risk. Sometimes this even means pulling the plug on research that begins to reveal less favorable results, in favor of those projects that can deliver better results faster. [More]

Working together to Fuel a Regional Economy

clock October 14, 2011 16:46 by author Bulletin Board
Project management staff are often pleased to identify high-quality outcomes of financial assistance projects, and work to share those outcomes with others who may be able to benefit quickly from them. In this way, EERE works to maximize the public benefit realized by its investments in emerging technologies.

In the case of one Recipient, a nonprofit economic development organization working to promote hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in early market applications, project results were leveraged across other states in the region. EERE staff observed that the Recipient had been particularly effective in its work on an education subprogram, and had taken a novel technology approach: the Recipient focused on increasing the deployment of early market stationary fuel cells. [More]