Turning Ideas into Action: The EERE Project Life Cycle

clock July 10, 2012 15:35 by author Bulletin Board
All projects begin with an idea. Within EERE, these ideas are often born out of a strategic goal or technology-specific research and development objective. Each year, EERE partners with stakeholders from large and small companies, non-profits, universities, state and local governments, and other public agencies to develop and advance these new energy ideas and goals. These partnerships result in billions of dollars of active projects working towards building a clean energy economy. [More]

Why Does EERE Monitor Financial Assistance Awards?

clock June 17, 2011 13:47 by author Bulletin Board
You wouldn’t drive a car without a dashboard, right? The dashboard- with all of its displays, gauges, and lights- gives the driver all kinds of information he or she needs to drive safely and maintain the car. Likewise, it would be a bad idea to drive the car without ever tuning it up or fixing problems that arise. EERE’s oversight monitoring for financial assistance projects is like a dashboard and responsible maintenance for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Monitoring provides the decision makers with key information about the project, helps prevent problems, and helps to solve them when they arise. [More]

DOE Project Managers Bring Efficiency, Recovery to the Mid-Atlantic

clock June 3, 2011 16:06 by author Bulletin Board
One mid-Atlantic State’s energy efficiency loan program couldn’t have been implemented as quickly and successfully without the dedication of EERE’s project management team. DOE project managers used their experience and expertise to assist state and local governments, and non-profit and private sector partners, to structure, set up and implement their expanded home energy upgrade financing programs in record time. The project management team’s fast action was a critical part of translating plans into projects, providing technical assistance, and program design feedback, to enable clean energy investment under the Recovery Act. [More]

EERE Brings Cleaner, More Efficient Energy One Step Closer to Residents of a Southeastern State

clock May 27, 2011 15:17 by author Bulletin Board
Thanks to the hard work of the EERE project management team, residents of one county in a Southeastern state are finding it easier to save energy and lower their utility bills. As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, a county there received $2.9 million through DOE’s ‘General Innovation Fund’, a part of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program. The General Innovation Fund supports investments through innovative deployment strategies. [More]

Trends in RDD&D Monitoring

clock May 6, 2011 16:41 by author Bulletin Board
EERE RDD&D project officers submit standard desktop review reports delineating the quarterly outcomes of Recovery Act awards, as outlined in a previous post. Submissions for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2011 began May 2, so we’d like to provide our readers with a look back at the results of the previous two quarters of reporting. Headquarters received all expected RDD&D desktop review reports for Fourth Quarter Fiscal Year 2010 and First Quarter Fiscal Year 2011 (over 700). Our analysis of the data indicates the vast majority of projects are on schedule, on budget and within scope. [More]

Integrating Project Results to Save Time and Money

clock April 8, 2011 17:01 by author Bulletin Board
Sometimes, a program selects a particularly reliable company for multiple awards due to its unique capabilities. One such recipient is a solar research, development, and manufacturing company that received five separate awards. While each of its five awards is stand-alone in nature, technology development efforts can complement and overlap. The complexity created by so many employees with different roles and overseeing different processes can require additional review to identify when and where these overlapped efforts can occur. [More]

Assisting Awardees as They Meet Regulatory Requirements

clock March 24, 2011 12:15 by author Bulletin Board
In order to deploy Recovery Act funds quickly with the requisite oversight, EERE staff has to use their knowledge of an array of Federal financial assistance rules—and fast. As Recovery Act projects have commenced, EERE staff had to be able to answer new questions about how these funds can be used. Project Officers must balance the need for flexibility in managing projects with regulations in place to ensure that Federal funds are spent properly. [More]

Monitoring Cost-Effective Weatherization Efforts

clock February 18, 2011 09:39 by author Bulletin Board
The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) is helping to make the homes of low-income families across the country more energy efficient. The program provides funding to states, which in turn, fund a network of local government and non-profit service providers. Over the past three decades, the program has provided these services to more than 6.4 million low-income households and families.

The cornerstone value of the program is cost-effectiveness. A small investment to upgrade homes can generate permanent energy savings of hundreds of dollars each month for families, reduce the nation’s dependence on fossil fuels, and lower ongoing costs to utilities and local governments providing assistance to low-income households. [More]

Monitoring DOE's Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs

clock February 6, 2011 19:23 by author Bulletin Board
DOE is very serious about its responsibility for ensuring that funds are spent appropriately. DOE and its programs are working hard to assist Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), State Energy Program (SEP), and Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG) grantees in resolving issues that arise as they invest their Recovery Act funding in clean energy projects that are saving energy, deploying renewable resources, creating jobs and strengthening the economy. [More]