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Who Should We Honor on Earth Day?

2012 January 24

By Todd Calongne

Calling all environmental do-gooders! We need your help to find New Yorkers who are making a positive impact on health and the environment.  Each year EPA seeks candidates for its annual Environmental Quality Awards and nominations are now invited.  Hopefully, you’ll take a few minutes and nominate friends, neighbors, colleagues, officials and organizations who are making a difference for the environment!

How about recommending a company that puts the environment above sales goals?  Do you know someone who started a community recycling program? Or someone who teaches youngsters how to be green? Or when a friend who volunteers for a green cause rather than sitting home on Saturday clearing off a week’s worth of recorded TV programs.  You know what I mean. While clearing your DVR doesn’t classify as a green initiative, it’s a better alternative than buying than buying DVDs and VHS tapes only to have them end up in a landfill. 

I personally see so many acts of environmental activism here at EPA’s New York City offices.  Regional Administrator Judith Enck is active in assuring we all “walk the walk” with better recycling, double sided printing and reusable materials in the office to name a few.  Kudos to the EPA Region 2 employees who are fighting the environmental fight daily.

Please tell us about your favorite environmentalist.  The awards recognize achievements in six categories:

  • An Individual Citizen with an impact on the environment
  • Non-Profit Environmental Organization or a Community Group
  • Environmental Educators
  • Green Business and Industry making strides to make our surroundings safer and better
  • Federal, State, Local or Tribal Government or Agency who can show excellence in environmental management or environmentally minded thinking
  • Press and Media who cover or uncover important issues assuring the public is aware of concerns in their area and of course shine a light on key issues serving as a check on government organizations

Nominations are due February 21st and can be submitted at:

About the Author: Todd Calongne serves as the Intergovernmental and Community Affairs Branch Chief for EPA’s Region 2.  New to EPA, Todd spent years working on community outreach for the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development.

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

12 Responses leave one →
  1. Robert Alvey permalink
    January 24, 2012

    I liked the reference to “walking the walk”. How about running?
    With Earth Day April 22, a small nonprofit group on Long Island has scheduled an “Earth Run” at a 9 acre community nature preserve in Garden City. It’s a means of acknowledging the 20th anniversary of the formation of that village’s Environmental Advisory Board (composed of volunteers), as well as a fun way of raising funds towards a solar powered irrigation well.

  2. Beatrice Wendovich permalink
    January 25, 2012

    Manna Jo Greene (a winner from last year) is a great friend of mine. The work on the Hudson river is still ongoing, but I challenge everyone to do their part…. everyone can make a difference!!! Start this April, small things add up.

  3. Mitchell permalink
    January 26, 2012

    There are so many people that could be nominated! I think anti-fracking “Gasland” director Josh Fox has done some great things as of late. Anyway, I’m glad more people are becoming concious of environmental issues and getting involved.

    • Brooke permalink
      January 28, 2012

      No way, besides fracking is advancing in tech and will be soon be totally environmentally friendly. We need those resources to help get the economy back on track.

      • Amul permalink
        February 13, 2012

        I totally agree with Brooke. Instead of going strictly anti-fracking one should try to develop technologies which could be environment friendly and economical as well. After all we cannot just remove all the petroleum based engines out, unless we find a workable alternate.

  4. Skeng permalink
    February 14, 2012

    Oh wow, I wish I knew some environmentalists, so I could nominate one.
    I nominate Al Gore because he did his part for raising awareness in global warming.

  5. Rog the Man permalink
    February 23, 2012

    My vote is going to an Urban Environmentalist who has more than 20 years “walking the walk” serving students, parents and the community in the South Bronx. Anyone care to guess? Clue: HB!!!!!!

  6. thomas rimmer permalink
    February 26, 2012

    I think anti-fracking Gasland, director Josh Fox has done some great things as of late :) .

  7. DARLA permalink
    March 9, 2012

    I totally agree with Brooke. Instead of going strictly anti-fracking one should try to develop technologies which could be environment friendly

  8. Gilly permalink
    April 21, 2012

    There are thousands of non profit organizations are come but the environment is on the hands of each and every individual

  9. Jon Lockton permalink
    May 26, 2012

    I am an environmental do-gooder! We need to honor companies that are eco friendly. Environmental activism is an important part of the future of our world. We need to treat the planet like we would our own homes, I’m glad to see someone is trying to do something in New York City. Thanks for the read.

  10. dave permalink
    November 6, 2012

    I totally agree with Brooke. Instead of going strictly anti-fracking one should try to develop technologies which could be environment friendly and economical as well. After all we cannot just remove all the petroleum based engines out, unless we find a workable alternate..

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