Doha Development Round: Non-Agricultural Market Access

The 4th World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference, held during 2001 in Doha, Qatar launched the Doha Development Round of negotiations. There are four major areas of negotiation in the Doha round: Agriculture, Non-Agricultural Market Access (NAMA), Services, and Trade Facilitation. The negotiations also include other areas such as Rules and Dispute Settlement.

The main goal of NAMA is to expand industrial goods market access through the liberalization of tariff and non-tariff barriers. The United States maintains that such liberalization will stimulate economic growth, raise incomes and lower taxes, stimulate the growth of better-paying jobs, reduce poverty, and cut costs for businesses and consumers in the United States and around the world.

To achieve these goals, the United States is pushing for ambitious trade liberalization through the three NAMA ‘modalities’ under negotiation by the WTO Membership: tariff-cutting formula, sectoral tariff initiatives, and non-tariff trade barrier initiatives.

Role of the Office of Trade Policy Analysis

  • Performs tariff-cutting formula simulations that guide the development of U.S. positions in NAMA negotiations;
  • Develops sectoral initiatives and industry negotiating priorities;
  • Analyzes the effect of tariff reductions on the United States, key trading partners, as well as developing countries and preference program recipients.

For more information on the Doha Development Round, please visit the United States Trade Representative and World Trade Organization.

For more information on the NAMA negotiations, please visit the United States Trade Representative and the World Trade Organization.

Last Updated: 5/7/12 1:53 PM