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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Washington, D.C.

Rel. No. 50570 / October 20, 2004

Admin. Proc. File No. 3-11414

In the Matter of the Application of

840 Brooktree Lane #265
Vista, CA 92081

For Review of Action Taken by




Jurisdiction to Review Action of Association

Former registered representative of a member firm of registered securities association who failed to respond to requests for information appealed association's sanction. Held, the application for review is dismissed.


Lee Gura, pro se.

Marc Menchel and Alan B. Lawhead, for NASD.

Appeal filed: February 24, 2004
Last brief received: June 14, 2004


Lee Gura, formerly a registered representative associated with First Union Securities ("First Union" or "the Firm"), an NASD member firm, seeks review of NASD disciplinary action. NASD found that Gura failed to provide information that it requested pursuant to NASD Rule 8210.1 As a result of his failure to respond, NASD barred Gura from association with any member firm in any capacity. We base our findings on an independent review of the record.


By letter dated October 14, 2002, NASD staff notified Gura that they had received several significant complaints alleging that Gura, while a registered representative at First Union, had violated the federal securities laws by engaging in unauthorized trading, churning customers' accounts, and making unsuitable recommendations.2 The letter requested that Gura provide a written statement addressing these allegations by October 28, 2002. Gura did not provide the requested information. Instead, at the request of NASD, Gura submitted a signed document, dated November 20, 2002, stating that he would not respond to NASD's request for information.

On April 29, 2003, NASD staff sent a second letter to Gura again requesting a written response, by May 7, 2003, to the allegations against him. This letter referenced "several correspondences and conversations" between NASD staff and Gura regarding the information request and warned Gura that failure to comply with the request would subject him to disciplinary action. Gura did not respond to the April letter.

On May 8, 2003, NASD staff sent a third letter to Gura and stated that it was "imperative" that NASD receive the information requested on or before May 19, 2003. Again, staff noted that failure to comply with the request would subject him to disciplinary action. Gura did not respond.

On July 16, 2003, NASD staff sent Gura a "Pre-Suspension Notice" warning Gura that, pursuant to NASD Rule 9541(b), NASD planned to suspend Gura from associating with any member firm in any capacity.3 The Pre-Suspension Notice explained that, if Gura did not take corrective action by providing the information NASD had repeatedly requested within twenty days, the suspension would take effect. The Pre-Suspension Notice further stated that Gura could stay his pending suspension if he requested a hearing within five days of receipt of the notice. Gura did not request a hearing or otherwise respond to the Pre-Suspension Notice in any manner.

On August 11, 2003, NASD staff notified Gura that, because he failed to provide requested information or take corrective action, he was suspended from association with any NASD member. The letter stated that Gura could file a Motion for Reinstatement pursuant to NASD Rule 95444 within six months of service or receipt of the Pre-Suspension Notice at which time a Hearing Panel would be convened to consider his request for reinstatement. The letter further stated that, if Gura failed to file such a motion, he automatically would be barred. Gura failed to file a Motion for Reinstatement.

On January 22, 2004, NASD advised Gura that effective immediately he was barred from associating with any NASD member firm in any capacity. On February 24, 2004, Gura appealed the NASD action to the Commission.


Section 19(f) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 provides the standards for our review.5 If we find that "the specific grounds" on which NASD based its action "exist in fact," that NASD's determination not to permit Gura's association is in accordance with its rules, that such rules were applied in a manner consistent with the purposes of the Exchange Act, and that NASD's action does not impose an undue burden on competition,6 we must dismiss Gura's appeal.

Gura does not dispute that "the specific grounds" on which NASD based its action, i.e. his failure to respond, exist in fact. Instead, he contends that he was suffering from severe depression, caused by "divorce, the death of [his] father, the loss of various jobs and two careers, bankruptcy and the constant court battles regarding visitation with [his] children" and was advised, by "therapists and friends," that he should not respond to NASD's inquiries to avoid further emotional stress and depression.7

We previously have determined that the Commission will not consider an application for review if the applicant failed to follow NASD procedures.8 The NASD's actions were in accordance with its rules and the purposes of the Exchange Act. NASD's rules set forth the procedures for suspending and ultimately barring individuals who fail to supply requested information or take corrective action. Gura chose not to avail himself of these procedures. He failed to respond to NASD's requests for information, failed to respond to the Pre-Suspension and Suspension Notices, and failed to file a Motion for Reinstate-ment. As a result, Gura's bar was imposed "automatically."

Nor do the other issues raised by Gura mitigate his failure to comply with these procedures. Gura has not provided any evidence substantiating his claims of depression so severe that he could not respond in any manner to NASD's multiple requests for information. In any event, we previously have found that unsubstantiated personal and medical problems do not excuse an applicant's failure to respond.9

Accordingly, we dismiss Gura's application for review.

An appropriate order will issue.10

By the Commission (Chairman DONALDSON and Commissioners GLASSMAN, GOLDSCHMID, ATKINS and CAMPOS).

Jonathan G. Katz

Washington, D.C.

Rel. No. 50570 / October 20, 2004

Admin. Proc. File No. 3-11414

In the Matter of the Application of

840 Brooktree Lane #265
Vista, CA 92081

For Review of Action Taken by



On the basis of the Commission's opinion issued this day, it is

ORDERED that the appeal of disciplinary proceedings taken by NASD against Lee Gura be, and it hereby is, dismissed.

By the Commission.

Jonathan G. Katz


We note that NASD rules have been amended since NASD's decision in this case in part to consolidate and clarify them (Rule 9550 Series on Expedited Proceedings). These amendments became effective on June 28, 2004. For consistency with NASD's decision and the pleadings in this case, we will refer to the previous 9540 denominations.


Modified: 10/20/2004