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Welcome to the NATO Training Group Web Site

The NATO Training Group (NTG) was originally formed as the EURO/NATO Training Group in 1970 and became the current NTG in 1993. From its inception until 1999, Germany provided the Chairman and Secretary of the NTG. Thereafter a permanent staff element was established at NATO HQ within the International Military Staff (IMS) with the Assistant Director Operations (AD Ops) as Chairman.

Post the Prague Summit of 2002 and re-alignment of the NATO Command Structure, it was agreed that the NTG would be subordinated to ACT, the lead agency for NATO and Partner Nations individual and collective Joint Education and Training.

On 23 Jan 2004 the NTG was formally transferred from the Military Committee (MC) to HQ Supreme Allied Command Transformation (HQ SACT) under the Chairmanship of Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff (DACOS) for Joint Education and Training (JET) Sub Division.

Mission: In line with NATO Transformation and the ACT vision, the overall aim of the NTG is to enhance interoperability among Alliance forces, and additionally between the forces of Partners, through improved co-ordination and standardisation of individual and collective training, thus improving efficiency of training and use of available resources.

To achieve the NTG’s aim, the NTG’s objectives include:

  • The identification and prioritisation of common training needs.
  • The improvement of the quality of joint and combined individual/collective training.
  • The encouragement of greater co-operation and understanding for NTG member nations, NATO Authorities and Agencies by the exchange of information and by offering training opportunities.
  • Improved cost effectiveness and efficiency in the use of joint and combined training courses.
  • Increased standardisation and interoperability of individual and collective training.
  • Identifying and initiating common, bilateral or multilateral funded training arrangements/projects.
  • The standardisation of financial principles and procedures governing the provision of training supplies and services.

The NTG is one of the most important means of expression for the Implementation of Joint Education and Training (JET) Policy. The expertise in the various Sub-Groups and Working groups support new JET activities or projects. The NTG maintains a major link between NATO’s JET and the Nations, preserves close contacts with Partnership for Peace (PfP) Nations and Mediterranean Dialog (MD) Countries training experts and also maintains contacts with Partnership Coordination Cell (PCC) and the NATO Standardisation Agency. The engagement of the NTG is expanded to include collective training, overcoming the existing self-restriction of only dealing with individual training.

The NTG is subordinated to the Supreme Allied Commander Transformation and the Chairmen of the Sub-Groups report directly to the Chairman NTG (DACOS JET at HQ SACT)

The NTG facilitates the exchange of information between member countries and NATO's military authorities on national training capabilities and provides a forum for discussion and exchange of views on individual and collective training matters.

By identifying and encouraging the use of training projects, which lend them to bilateral or multilateral co-operation, it promotes qualitative improvements in training as well as cost and manpower savings, standardisation and interoperability. Participation in shared training projects by individual nations is undertaken on a case by case basis and does not duplicate or replace national training programmes.

The NTG encourages individual nations to assume responsibility for specific training projects on behalf of the Alliance as a whole or Alliance member countries with common requirements. The NTG's activities have been extended to include common training projects for Partner Nations.

The work and activities of the NTG and its Sub-Groups is being coordinated and supported by the NTG Section within Design & Development Branch, JET Sub-Division, HQ SACT. A part of the NTG Section is still located in IMS, HQ NATO until the planned relocation to Norfolk VA / USA is effected.

The NTG comprises five Sub-Groups:

  • Joint Services Sub Group - JSSG;
  • Army Sub Group - ASG;
  • Naval Sub Group - NSG;
  • Air Force Sub Group - AFSG;
  • Financial Sub Group - FSG

Information regarding the Working Groups under the Sub-Groups can be found within the pages of the respective Sub-Groups.

  • For more basic information and for Terms of Reference, see MC 238/3 (22 January 2004) (.PDF/1045Kb)
  • For more detailed information on working procedures see NATO Training Group Handbook (September 2004) (.PDF/1200Kb). The NTG Handbook is to be updated in the forthcoming future.
  • A description of the NTG Structure is also available.
  • For information on current activities and meeting details see Notice Board

Further information relating to the NTG can be obtained from the NTGSE:
Tel: +32 2 707 5434 / Fax: +32 2 707 5988 / E-mail: ops.ntg@hq.nato.int (at IMS, HQ NATO) and Tel: +1 757 445 3571, / Fax: +1 757 445 3271, / E-mail: NTGSection@act.nato.int (at HQ SACT).

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