USGS - science for a changing world

Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Melinda Knutson publications

Potter, B. A., G. J. Soulliere, D. N. Ewert, M. G. Knutson, W. E. Thogmartin, J. S. Castrale, and M. J. Roell. 2007. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture Landbird Habitat Conservation Strategy. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fort Snelling, MN. 124 pp. (

Thogmartin, W. E., B. R. Gray, M. Gallagher, N. Young, J. J. Rohweder, and M. G. Knutson. 2007. Power to detect trend in short-term time series of bird abundance. Condor 109:943–948.

Kapfer, J. M., M. B. Sandheinrich, and M. G. Knutson. 2007. Use of FETAX to examine acute survival of Xenopus laevis larvae in water from natural and constructed ponds in the Upper Midwest. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 2:119-125.

Knutson, M. G., B. R. Gray, and M. S. Meier. 2007. Comparing the effects of local, landscape, and temporal factors on forest bird nest survival using logistic-exposure models. Pages 105-116 in Beyond Mayfield: measurements of nest survival data (S. L. Jones and G. R. Geupel, Eds.). Studies in Avian Biology No. 34, Denver, CO.

Thogmartin, W. E., J. R. Sauer, and M. G. Knutson. 2007. Modeling and mapping abundance of American Woodcock across the midwestern and northeastern United States. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:376-382.

Thogmartin, W. E., and M. G. Knutson. 2007. Scaling local species-habitat relations to the larger landscape with a hierarchical spatial count model. Landscape Ecology 22:61–75.

Knutson, M. G., T. Sutherland, and H. Laskowski. 2006. Management-focused research needs of refuges in the Midwest and Northeast Regions of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FY2006. Biological Monitoring Team Technical Report BMT-2006-01. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wildlife Refuge System, La Crosse, WI.

Knutson, M. G., T. Sutherland, H. Laskowski, S. Lor, K. Ranallo, and M. Williams. 2006. Biological surveys on refuges in the Midwest and Northeast Regions of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FY 2003-2005. Biological Monitoring Team Technical Report BMT-2006-02. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wildlife Refuge System, La Crosse, WI.

Thogmartin, W. E., T. J. Fox, J. J. Rohweder, and M. G. Knutson. 2006. Emerging technologies: LINK - a land conservation decision support tool. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America (online) 87:

Thogmartin, W. E., M. G. Knutson, J. J. Rohweder, and B. R. Gray. 2006. Bird habitat associations on the lower Missouri River floodplain: A report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Big Muddy National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. U.S. Geological Survey Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, La Crosse, WI. 123 pp

Powell, L. A., and M. G. Knutson. 2006. A productivity model for parasitized, multi-brooded songbirds. Condor 108:292-300.

Knutson, M. G., L. A. Powell, M. A. Friberg, G. J. Niemi, and R. K. Hines. 2006. An assessment of bird habitat quality using population growth rates. Condor 108:301-314. [Appendices ABC]

Thogmartin, W. E., M. G. Knutson, and J. R. Sauer. 2006. Predicting regional abundance of rare grassland birds with a hierarchical spatial count model. Condor 108:25-46.

Korschgen, C. E., M. G. Knutson, T. J. Fox, L. Holland-Bartels, H. C. DeHaan, C. H. Theiling, J. J. Rohweder, K. P. Kenow, L. E. Leake, and T. Will. 2005. Natural resource assessment and decision support tools for bird conservation planning. Pages 1213-1223 in Bird Conservation Implementation and Integration in the Americas: Proceedings of the Third International Partners in Flight Conference 2002. Gen. Tech Rep. PSW-GTR-191. Volume 2 (C. J. Ralph and T. D. Rich, Eds.). Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Albany, California, USA.

Weick, S. E., M. G. Knutson, B. C. Knights, and B. C. Pember. 2005. A comparison of internal and external radio transmitters with Northern Leopard Frogs (Rana pipiens). Herpetological Review 36:415-421

Wolinsky, S., and S. Bourassa. 2005. Farm pond ecosystems. Wildlife Habitat Management Institute, Natural Resources Conservation Service. Leaflet 29, Washington, DC. 12 pp.

Corn, P. S., M. J. Adams, W. A. Battaglin, A. L. Gallant, D. L. James, M. G. Knutson, C. A. Langtimm, and J. R. Sauer. 2005. Amphibian research and monitoring initiative-concepts and implementation. Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5015. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA. 23 pp.

Knutson, M. G., L. E. McColl, and S. A. Suarez. 2005. Breeding bird assemblages associated with stages of forest succession in large river floodplains. Natural Areas Journal 25: 55-70.

Bly, B. L., M. G. Knutson, M. B. Sandheinrich, B. R. Gray, and D. A. Jobe. 2004. Flow cytometry used to assess genetic damage in frogs from farm ponds. Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science 111:67-70.

Thogmartin, W. E., J. R. Sauer, and M. G. Knutson. 2004. A hierarchical spatial model of avian abundance with application to Cerulean Warblers. Ecological Applications 14: 1766-1779.

Thogmartin, W. E., A. Gallant, M. G. Knutson, T. Fox, and M. Suarez. 2004. A cautionary tale regarding the 1992 National Land Cover Data. The Wildlife Society Bulletin 32:970-978.

Knutson, M. G., W. B. Richardson, D. M. Reineke, B. R. Gray, J. R. Parmelee, and S. E. Weick. 2004. Agricultural ponds support amphibian populations. Ecological Applications 14:669-684.

Knutson, M. G., G. J. Niemi, W. E. Newton, and M. A. Friberg. 2004. Avian nest success in midwestern forests fragmented by agriculture. Condor 106:116-130.

MacKenzie, D. I., J. D. Nichols, J. E. Hines, M. G. Knutson, and A. B. Franklin. 2003. Estimating site occupancy, colonization and local extinction when a species is detected imperfectly. Ecology 84:2200-2207.

Gustafson, E. J., M. G. Knutson, G. J. Niemi, and M. Friberg. 2002. Evaluation of spatial models to predict vulnerability of forest birds to brood parasitism by cowbirds. Ecological Applications 12:412-426.

Knutson, M. G., G. Butcher, J. Fitzgerald, and J. Shieldcastle. 2001. Partners in Flight Bird Conservation Plan for The Upper Great Lakes Plain (Physiographic Area 16). USGS Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center in cooperation with Partners in Flight, La Crosse, Wisconsin, 1 November 2001.;,

Fox, T. J., M. G. Knutson, and R. K. Hines. 2000. Mapping forest canopy gaps using air photo interpretation and ground surveys. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28:882-889.

Knutson, M. G., S. J. Gutreuter, and E. E. Klaas. 2000. Patterns of artificial nest depredation in a large floodplain forest. Journal of Wildlife Management 64:576-583.

Knutson, M. G., J. R. Sauer, D. O. Olsen, M. J. Mossman, L. H. Hemesath, and M. J. Lannoo. 2000. Landscape associations of frog and toad species in Iowa and Wisconsin, U.S.A. Journal of the Iowa Academy of Sciences 107:134-145.

Hochachka, W. M., T. E. Martin, V. Artman, C. R. Smith, S. J. Hejl, D. E. Andersen, D. Curson, L. Petit, N. Mathews, T. Donovan, E. E. Klaas, P. B. Wood, J. C. Manolis, K. P. McFarland, J. V. Nichols, J. C. Bednarz, D. M. Evans, J. P. Duguay, S. Garner, J. Tewksbury, K. L. Purcell, J. Faaborg, C. B. Goguen, C. Rimmer, R. Dettmers, M. Knutson, J. A. Collazo, L. Garner, D. Whitehead, and G. Geupel. 1999. Scale dependence in the effects of forest coverage on parasitization by brown-headed cowbirds. Studies in Avian Biology 18:80-88.

Knutson, M. G., R. K. Hines, C. M. Sveum, T. J. Fox, and C. E. Korschgen. 1999. Floodplain forest songbirds of the Upper Mississippi River. Passenger Pigeon 61:307-310.

Knutson, M. G., J. R. Sauer, D. A. Olsen, M. J. Mossman, L. M. Hemesath, and M. J. Lannoo. 1999. Effects of landscape composition and wetland fragmentation on frog and toad abundance and species richness in Iowa and Wisconsin, U.S.A. Conservation Biology 13: 1437-1446.

Knutson, M. G., and E. E. Klaas. 1998. Floodplain forest loss and changes in forest community composition and structure in the Upper Mississippi River: a wildlife habitat at risk. Natural Areas Journal 18:138-150.

Knutson, M. G., and E. E. Klaas. 1997. Declines in abundance and species richness of birds following a major flood on the Upper Mississippi River. Auk 114:367-380.

Knutson, M. G., J. P. Hoover, and E. E. Klaas. 1996. The importance of floodplain forests in the conservation and management of neotropical migratory birds in the Midwest. Pages 168-188 in F. R. Thompson, ed. Management of midwestern landscapes for the conservation of neotropical migratory birds. General Technical Report NC-187. USDA Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station, St. Paul, Minnesota.

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