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Questions > FAQ Topic

How can I send donated items to deployed troops?

Humanitarian-related items can be processed for shipment via The Funded Transportation Program. The Funded Transportation Program provides door-to-door surface transportation of humanitarian aid to worldwide destinations at little or no cost to the donor. Potential shipments are reviewed for appropriateness and feasibility on a case-by-case basis. All organizations and individuals interested in shipping to worldwide destinations are encouraged to contact the Program Manager for the Funded Transportation Program at (703) 601-3854. Guidelines and an online application for this program can be found at

How can I support the troops?

There are a number of ways in which you can support the troops - email greetings, donations to service relief agencies, volunteering in your local community. A list of organizations with troop support programs is available on the Defend America web site.

Please do not collect candy, cookies, or personal items without prior DoD approval.

tab Topics 
Aerial Support, Including Flyovers
Air Force One
Air Mobility Master Plan
Color/Honor Guards
Freedom of Information (AMC-specific)
Humanitarian Donations
Lost Luggage
Photo and Memorabilia Resources
Rodeo 2011
Space Available Travel
Support for the Troops
Transporting Non-DOD Goods

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