How Do I Propose a Campaign?

  1. First, review the guidelines for submitting proposals.
  2. Next, submit a preproposal; a short summary of the proposed campaign.
  3. Wait for a response from the Infrastructure Management Board (IMB) and/or ARM Science Board.
  4. A full proposal or science plan, may be requested.
  5. Decision is made—now what is expected?

ARM Climate Research Facility users regularly conduct field campaigns to augment routine data acquisitions and to test and validate new instruments.


05 Feb 2012
Preproposals are no longer being accepted for the AMFs and/or AAF for this proposal cycle. Full proposals for invited preproposals are due May 1.

Smaller campaigns in FY2013 and FY2014 can still be proposed. Submit your preproposal today.

Proposal Schedule

  • Invited full proposals due 01 May 2013

Facility Availability

  • AMF1 available Spring 2016
  • AMF2 available Fall 2015 for U.S. deployments, Winter 2016 for international
  • AAF available after August 2015, including FY2016

Begin Proposal
