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Logistics Worldwide (LOGWORLD) - Schedule 874 V

Woman in a Warehouse

The Logistics Worldwide (LOGWORLD) Multiple Award Schedule 874 V assists federal agencies in procuring comprehensive logistics solutions. Services include the following areas that permit the deployment of supplies, equipment, materials and associated personnel:

  • planning, acquisition and management of logistics systems, and
  • providing expert advice, assistance, guidance, management, and operational support services.

Additionally, training is provided in the following areas:

  • system operations, 
  • automated tools for supply, 
  • value chain management, 
  • property and inventory management, 
  • distribution and transportation management, and
  • maintenance of equipment and facilities supporting these activities. 

Turnkey or total solutions are available in support of a logistics functions and minor repair and alteration services, ancillary to existing SINs under this Schedule, are also provided.

Variety of Offerings Includes
SIN Number SIN Name
874 501 Supply & Value Chain Management Services
NAICS 541614
874 5031 Distribution & Transportation Logistics Services
NAICS 541614
874 504 Deployment Logistic Services
NAICS 541614
874 505 Logistics Training Services
NAICS 541614
874 5062 Support Products
NAICS 541614
874 5073 Operations & Maintenance Logistics Management and Support Services
NAICS 561210
874 5974 Ancillary Repair and Alteration
NAICS 541614
1 Note: Commercial passenger airline services covered by the Airline City Pair Program and courier services covered by Schedule 48, Transportation, Delivery and Relocation Solutions are excluded.
2 Note: Contractors may provide ancillary products used only in direct support of services provided under Special Items Number (SIN)s 874-501, 874-503, 874-504, 874-505 and 874-507. Any licensing fee/agreements required for Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) hardware and software will be negotiated at the task order level.
3 Note: Refer to Schedule 03FAC, Facilities Maintenance and Hardware, (SINs) 811 002, Complete Facilities Maintenance 811 003, Complete Facilities Management, for separate SIN requirements NOT part of a logistics management and support.
4 Note: This SIN EXCLUDES: (1) major or new construction of buildings, roads, parking lots and other facilities; (2) complex R&A of entire facilities or significant portions of facilities, and (3) Architect-Engineering Services subject to Public Law 92-582 (Brooks Act).

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