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Office of the Chief Financial Officer

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James Dyer, Chief Financial Officer
Milton Brown, Deputy Chief Financial Officer

The Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) is responsible for the NRC's Planning and Budgeting, and Performance Management process and for all of the NRC's financial management activities. The CFO establishes planning, budgeting, and financial management policy for the agency and provides advice to the Chairman and the Commission on these matters. The CFO develops and maintains an integrated agency accounting and financial management system; establishes policy and directs oversight of agency financial management personnel, activities, and operations; prepares and transmits an annual report which includes the agency's audited financial statement to the Chairman and the Director, Office of Management and Budget; monitors the financial execution of NRC's budget in relation to actual expenditures, controls the use of agency funds to ensure that they are expended in accordance with applicable laws and standards, and prepares and submits to the Chairman timely cost and performance reports; and reviews, on a periodic basis, fees and other charges imposed by NRC for services provided and makes recommendations for revising those charges as appropriate. The CFO provides an agency-wide management control program for financial and program managers to comply with the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act, and is responsible for implementing the Chief Financial Officers Act and the Government Performance and Results Act at the NRC.

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Resource Management Team

Team Chief: Edward New

Formulates the office budget and financial plans, and oversees the use of office resources by conducting financial management tracking. Plans and coordinates the provision of administrative support services for the office including space planning and facilities, information management and technology, and human resource activities. Reviews agency policies and procedures and interacts with divisions and NRC offices pertaining to administrative services. Plans and supports office strategic and performance planning, conducts performance monitoring and reporting activities, and supports organizational improvement initiatives. Prepares the NRC Information Digest. Prepares the Performance and Accountability Report which includes the NRC’s audited financial statement for transmittal to the Chairman and Office of Management and Budget. Performs internal communications activities including publication of the monthly newsletter for office staff and external communications to other NRC staff and stakeholders. Maintains and updates the office Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) and interacts with NRC offices on matters concerning COOP. Oversees design and content management of the office web site. Maintains and updates Management Directive 9.20 Organizational Functions, Office of the Chief Financial Officer. Develops and maintains office procedures.

Division of Planning and Budget

Budget Director: Jennifer Golder
Deputy Budget Director: Gordon Peterson

Manages the agency's Planning, Budgeting, and Performance Management (PBPM) Process. Develops the annual budget, including schedules and guidance for formulating, and executing the agency's budget. Formulates the budget and related legislative policies for agency programs. Develops and presents all agency level budget and related policy proposals to the public and Congress. Advises the Chairman, Commission, and EDO on the budget impact of events occurring within and outside the agency. Manages the agency's administrative control of funds and approves and issues allowances and financial plans. Provides agency senior management with independent analyses on issues related to policy, program, and resource issues. Coordinates the development of the agency's Strategic Plan, Performance and Accountability Report, and Congressional Budget Justification. Works with agency stakeholders to assure that performance measures ensure the effectiveness of agency programs. Assess effectiveness of agency programmatic internal controls. Maintains liaison with OMB, and congressional appropriations committees on the formulation, presentation, and execution of the agency's budget. Develops and maintains policies, procedures, and operations to ensure the formulation and implementation of the approved agency budget. Develops financial reports to support agency decision makers with budget development and execution.

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Budget Operations Branch 1

Chief: Russell Allwein

Leads the development and implementation of the agency's budget formulation process and related activities, including publication of budget books, agency development of responses to budget Q&As; and preparation of budget briefing materials. Serves as budget contact for Reactor Safety program and Central Allowance offices. Monitors office resources requirements and reviews Commission Papers; participates in review of Funds Utilization Plans and offices' budget execution status; participates in analysis of agency budgets to support agency resource allocation decisions; and conducts budget formulation and budget execution activities for 16 central Allowance offices.

Budget Operations Branch 2

Chief: Joel Mattingley

Leads the analysis of agency budgets to support short and long term agency resource allocation decisions; development of agency budget execution and Funds Utilization Plan activities; review offices' budget execution status; will serve as the budget contact for Materials and Waste Safety program and Corporate Support offices; development, management and analysis of the agency's Salaries & Benefits budget. Monitors office resource requirements and reviews Commission Papers; supports agency budget formulation activities for the Materials, Waste, and Corporate Support programs; participates in budget Q&A's; and develops the agency proposed and final fee rules.

Funds Control Branch

Chief: Patrice Williams-Johnson

Leads the processes for the administrative control of appropriated and non-appropriated funds for the agency; defines requirements for and oversees implementation of the agency's allowance and financial system; and provides training to allowance holders on the roles and responsibilities related to the administrative control of funds. Ensures proper execution of funds appropriated to allowance holders by reviewing, approving, and monitoring outlays, and ensuring adherence to congressional ceilings and reductions. Updates and maintains agency budget structure and budget and reporting codes; and analyzes draft and final appropriations language.

Internal Control and Planning Team

Team Leader: David Holley

Increased programmatic internal controls duties will be the responsibility of staff reporting directly to the Deputy Budget Director. Leads the agency's Programmatic Internal Control processes and provides support and expert analysis in resolving internal controls issues with offices. Agency lead for the Strategic Plan and PAR and responsible for division management directives.

Division of the Controller

Controller: Reginald Mitchell
Deputy Controller: Michele Kaplan

Provides technical advice, assistance, and interpretation to agency senior managers on the NRC's financial reporting, accounting, financial policy, financial systems, and financial operations activities. Defines requirements for, coordinates, and oversees an agencywide internal controls program to comply with the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA) of 1982 and OMB Circular A-123. Develops and administers policies, standards and procedures for all NRC financial systems and for NRC accounting and license fee activities. Develops and maintains financial systems for general accounting, cost accounting, fees, and capitalized property. Prepares the agency's annual financial statements and other financial reports. Administers the NRC's licensee fee program and provides managerial oversight of NRC's license fee policy functions. Develops and publishes the NRC's fee rule each year. Formulates standards and procedures for license fee policy. Interprets license fee regulations (10 CFR Parts 170 and 171). Processes Part 170 license fee waiver and exemption requests. Maintains liaison with GAO, Treasury, OMB and other agencies on accounting, financial system and reporting matters. Evaluates financial and programmatic information systems with respect to CFO needs. Develops and administers policies, standards, and procedures, for all financial operations activities of the NRC. Develops and maintains financial systems for time and labor reporting. Maintains liaison with the GAO, Treasury, OMB, and other agencies on financial operations matters. Provides payroll, travel, and fiscal services for the NRC.

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Financial Reporting and Analysis Branch

Chief: Xiaomei Ma

Formulates accounting policies, standards, and procedures and their related reporting requirements. Maintains the NRC Accounting Policy Manual. Interprets and implements government-wide accounting and financial requirements. Prepares the agency's annual financial statements, inputs to the Performance and Accountability Report, and other external financial reports and analyses. Provides general accounting services, conducts appropriate financial reconciliations, assesses financial reporting needs of NRC offices. Maintains liaison with GAO, OMB, Treasury and other agencies on accounting, financial statements, and related matters. Serves as the agency expert on all internal control matters related to financial reporting.

Financial Systems Branch

Chief: Marvin Bell

Ensures that all NRC financial management systems comply with established Federal requirements. Serves as the OCFO's principal interface with NRC's Office of Information Services on such requirements. Arranges and manages the independent verification and validation of new financial systems software and/or modifications to existing systems. Participates in and supports the development or improvement of all of the agency's financial systems. Participates in the implementation of the CFO's long-term financial systems development strategy and coordinates its implementation. Maintains operational and maintenance responsibility for NRC's core accounting system, time and labor system, and budget formulation system, ensuring that they meet established requirements for Federal financial systems.

Accounts Receivable Branch

Chief: Mona Williams

Formulates standards and procedures for license fee/accounts receivable (A/R) operational activities. Acts as liaison with shared service provider on all A/R operational issues and activities. Implements license fee regulations. Administers NRC facilities and materials licensee and annual fee programs. Issues appropriate invoices and reports. Processes small-entity license fee certifications. Processes Part 171 license fee waiver and exemption requests. Implements license fee waivers and exemptions. Formulates policies, standards, and procedures for licensee and payroll debt collection activities and related fiscal services and reporting requirements. Interprets and implements debt collection regulations and associated cash management efforts. Develops, implements and maintains NRC's debt collection strategy.

Financial Operations Branch

Chief: Mary Matheson

Formulates policies, standards, and procedures for travel and related services and reporting requirements. Interprets and implements Federal travel requirements. Authorizes administratively approved temporary duty travel. Manages the employee relocation program, the administrative control of funds of the NRC Central Allowance. Formulates policies, standards, and procedures for imprest funds, obligation activities, and related fiscal services and reporting requirements. Ensures all obligations are recorded in the agency accounting system and that Treasury payment requests are properly certified. Responsible for interagency customer outreach and support.

Payroll and Payments Branch

Chief: Erikka LeGrand

Administers the NRC centralized payroll and time and labor reporting policies and functions. Manages the NRC payroll service provider contract. Serves as liaison with the provider on all payroll related matters. Captures and maintains payroll performance measurement data. Defines requirements for and oversees implementation of NRC's Time and Labor System. Formulates procedures for the accounting and reporting of Time and Labor System activities. Provides customer services (including training) related to time and labor reporting and payroll transacting to all NRC employees. Formulates standards and procedures for accounts payable (A/P) operational activities. Acts as liaison with accounting service provider on all A/P operational issues and activities.

Travel Operations Branch

Chief: Lynette Crawford

Formulates policies, standards, and procedures for travel related services and reporting requirements. Interprets and implements Federal travel requirements. Authorizes administratively approved temporary duty travel. Manages NRC’s relocation program which includes authorization of permanent change of station benefits and participation in the Home Sale program. Maintains and manages the eTravel system. Manages the NRC travel charge card program. Acts as liaison to GSA, OMB, and other federal agencies on travel related issues.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, December 04, 2012