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Grow Your Company with Training/Employment Programs & Manufacturer Training Grants

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Blogged By: 
Terry Richards

State of Connecticut Launches STEP UP for Small Businesses

On April 3, 2012, Governor Dan Malloy (D-CT) announced a new program designed to promote job creation by providing incentives to employers that hire unemployed jobseekers.

The Subsidized Training and Employment Program (STEP UP), created as part of a jobs package passed by the state legislature, creates two types of hiring incentives for eligible small businesses. A six month wage subsidy is available to small businesses with fewer than 50 employees who hire those from a community with an employment rate equal to or higher than that of the state (7.7% as of April 2012). Further, such employees must have an adjusted family income equal to or less than 250% of the federal poverty level.

STEP UP also provides for a training grant for small state-based manufacturers. The six month grant provides up to $12,500 to manufacturers for new hires and their trainging. Training must take place at the business site.

Get the facts on how Employers can grow your company with manufacturer training grants and the Subsidized Training and Employment Program.

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