USAID Global Partnerships


The Global Development Alliance (GDA) is USAID’s initiative to forge public-private alliances to stimulate economic growth, develop businesses and workforces, address health and environmental issues, and expand access to education and technology.

In the 1970s, 70% of resource flows from the United States to the developing world were from official development assistance and 30% were private. Today, the government provides only 20% and American citizens and companies provide 80%. These changes in flows reflect the emergence of the private for-profit sector and the non-governmental sector as significant participants in the development process.

The Global Development Alliance approach responds to this changed environment, and it extends USAID’s reach and effectiveness in meeting development objectives by combining its strengths with the resources and capabilities of other prominent actors.

Alliances incorporate a breadth of USAID and partner resources to arrive at solutions only available through pooled efforts. The resources united are as diverse as the alliances themselves, including technology and intellectual property rights, market creation, best practices, policy influence, in-country networks, and expertise in development programs ranging from international trade to biodiversity protection.

Together, the combination of complementary assets has encouraged innovative approaches, more effective problem solving and deeper impact. Importantly, public-private sector conversations almost always lead to a better understanding of the challenge. 

  • Click here to learn more about USAID’s global partnerships
  • Click here to learn about GDA opportunities with USAID/Armenia