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Archive 2008

U.S. Statement on Terror Attack in Tripoli, Lebanon

13 August 2008

United States remains committed to supporting the Lebanese government

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U.S. Department Of State
Office of the Spokesman


Terror Attack In Lebanon

The United States condemns today’s attack in Tripoli, Lebanon that was directed against both civilians and those working to protect the Lebanese people and to secure Lebanon’s independence and sovereignty.  Lebanon has seen far too many such attacks, carried out and supported by those who prefer that Lebanon be a place of fear and instability, and this tragic event underscores the importance of bringing all arms in Lebanon under the control of the institutions of the state.

The United States strongly supports the Lebanese Armed Forces as the legitimate protector of Lebanon’s security, and along with the international community, we remain firmly committed to continuing our support for the Lebanese government, its democratic institutions, and its security services.  We support the Lebanese government and its efforts to bring the perpetrators of this terrible attack to justice, and express our deep condolences to the Lebanese Armed Forces and the families of those soldiers and civilians killed in today’s attack.