USGS - science for a changing world

Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Aquatic Toxicology

Understanding the Impacts of Human and Veterinary Contaminants on Aquatic Ecosystems

Principal Investigators

Kim T. Fredericks
Mark P. Gaikowski
Jeffery R. Meinertz

Support Analysts

Long Term Objective

  • Conduct research to assess the impact of pharmaceutical and personal care products (ppcp) on aquatic animals like fish and zooplankton (Daphia). This research will help us better understand the risk human and veterinary-use compounds pose to aquatic ecosystems.

Short Term Objective

  • Determine the impacts of specific pharmaceutical and personal care compounds on the survival, growth, and reproduction of aquatic animals.

Current Projects

Develop and refine methods to assess the effects of pharmaceutical and personal care compounds on aquatic animals.

No current studies.

Determine the occurrence and concentration of pharmaceutical and personal care compounds in waterways.

No current studies.

Determine the impacts that specific pharmaceutical and personal care compounds have on the survival, growth, reproduction, and general health of aquatic animals.

No current studies.

USGS scientist taking water sample
USGS scientist taking water sample

Adult fathead minnows
Adult fathead minnows

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Page Last Modified: February 24, 2012