Tuesday, February 19, 2013
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Chiefs of Transformation Conference & Round Table / Partner Round Table 2012

cotc2012 250Headquarters, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, will host the 2012 Chiefs of Transformation Conference on December 11-13 at the Sheraton Norfolk Waterside in downtown Norfolk, Virginia.

The Chiefs of Transformation (COT) group continues to leverage work across the Alliance by sharing best practices and expanding collaboration amongst the nations. Under SACTs Formalized Collaboration initiative the group launched 10 new initiatives in 2012.

Following a successful Workshop in Prague, we are entering the final stages of preparation for our December events. For this year, we will be hosting the first Partner Nation Round Table event, which will surely offer unique insights into the world of Transformation.

Please stay tuned for further information, also available on our TRANSNET Site.

cotc2012 prtcotc2012 rtPOC for the events:
Commander Constantine Limberis
Hellenic Navy
Transformation Network Branch
Phone: +1 757 747 4019
E-mail: constantine.limberis@act.nato.int