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SACT Seminar - NATO Young Professional Day - MC Visit

sact_sem250Washington D.C., 27-29 February 2012

The SACT Seminar is one of 5 Diamond events within the SACT annual strategic engagement calendar.

The Primary Target Audience is the NATO Secretary General, the Chairman of the Military Committee (CMC) and both Permanent Representatives (Perm Reps) and Military Representatives (Mil Reps).

SACT Seminar 2012 was preceded by a "Pre-SACT Seminar" on 07-08 December 2011, and will be followed by a NATO Young Professionals (YP) Day on 29 February 2012, all part of ACT’s contribution to the Chicago Summit Campaign Plan.

On 29 February the NATO Young Professionals Programme, designed to reach out to young professionals and engage future leaders in the discussion on Strategic Issues important to the Alliance, will convene in the Park Hyatt Hotel.

Additionally, the Military Committee will visit HQ SACT on completion of the SACT Seminar from 29 February to 1 March 2012 to update the MC on ACT developments for the Alliance, and reaffirm the importance of the MC/ACT relationship.

Registration for all 3 events is combined under the SACT Seminar registration process detailed below.

Administrative Notes

Venue and Accommodation: Park Hyatt Hotel, 1201 24th & M Streets NW, Washington D.C. 20037. Telephone: +1-202-789-1234, Fax: +1-202-419-6694.

HQ SACT Protocol has contracted a hotel room block reservation at a rate of $183.00 + 14.5% applicable tax. In addition, parking is available for a fee of $40.00 per night.

Participation is by invitation only. Participants are requested to book their hotel room through the Internet Online Registration Process before 03 Feb 2012 and not to contact the hotel directly.

Flight Travel Recommendations: Arrival at Washington D.C., International Airport Dulles (IAD): 27 Feb 2012 between 1300 and 1600. Departure from IAD (Perm Reps): 28 Feb 2012 after 1745.

Dress Code (all sub-events): Business Suit for Civilians, Service Dress for military.

Read-Ahead Package: will be e-sent and e-published not later than 13 February 2012.

Further details on the event are available on the NS network.

dc_iconNORFOLK, VA, 29 February – 1 March 2012

MC Visit to HQ SACT

Accommodation: Marriott Waterside Norfolk 235 East Main Street Nor 23501, 757 628 6417, FAX 757 628 6452. A contracted rate of $107 plus taxes has been arranged. Registration as per instructions above.

Dress Code: Service Dress on 29 February, Business Suit on 1 March.

Further details on the event are available on the NS network.