Be Here Students

Web Resources
DoDEA Regulation 2095.01, "School Attendance." September 1, 2011
Public School Attendance Policies (MCEC)

DoDEA Attendance Program: Be Here: Toolkit

Graphics/Booklet Downloads

This Be Here! download section is a collection of documents for teachers & administrators to download and distribute as part of your own individualized Be Here! campaigns.

Attendance Booklet
A booklet to help administrators, teachers, parents, and students better understand DoDEA's attendance policy, the importance of attendance, and should an issue arise, how to best use resources in the school community to come together to help students "Be Here!"
Parent One Page Flier
Tips on attendance for parents.
Parent Trifold
A resource to help parents understand the importance of attendance. This document can be customized with your school contact information.
Teacher One Page Flier
Tips on attendance for teachers.
You've got to Play to Win! Be Here!
A poster to display and promote attendance awareness.

Parents & Students

This Be Here! toolkit section is a collection of documents we compiled from external sources for parents to read, distribute and/or share with others to increase awareness about the importance of attendance.

Attendance Every Day
This flyer is appropriate for parents, communities and schools that are trying to promote Attendance Every Day! A Great resource for Back-to-School, PTA Meetings, and community events.
Freshman Year: The Make-it or Break-it Year (for parents)
Freshman Year of High School is dubbed the "Make it or Break it Year." This handout helps parents understand the importance of grades and attendance in their child's freshman year.
When To Keep a Child Home
When is your child too sick to attend school? This resource will help parents make this important decision.
Why Attendance Matters: The Early Years
An excellent article for parents about the importance of attendance in the early grades.

School Administrators & Teachers

This Be Here! section is a collection of documents we compiled from external sources as a further resource for teachers and administrators.

Freshmen Year: The Make-it or Break-it Year (for teachers)
This data sheet helps teachers understand the critical freshmen year, and gives suggestions for making it the best year yet!
Key Transitions
This chart helps parents and teachers understand key issues at the major transitions in educational careers and how Attendance can impact each stage.
School Attendance: Focusing on Engagement and Re-engagement
This article is great for any teacher or school trying to improve attendance. It gives an excellent overview of the issues and barriers that impede attendance and offers suggestions for overcoming them.
Understanding Contributing Factors to Absenteeism
A great list of factors that lead to absenteeism. In order to combat the issue, it is imperative to know what it is occurring!