Monday, February 18, 2013
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homepage 10yrs NATO Homepage ACT Homepage


proto flags

Networking Past Reviews Education Training

Head of Protocol Bio

Quick Links (NATO POCs)

poc 150

Protocol and Diplomacy International

Blog ( Link )

First question could be "Should a military salute a civilian Minister"?

European say yes and the American say no. What do we do in NATO?

natoflags tnNATO FLAGS

pfpflags tnPfP FLAGS

(Meets and Greets)

ploeger dsact cos jft 150

ploeges dsact hs 150

Photo Gallery

protocol 01 tnSMPC 2011

protocol 02 tnSMPC 2010

protocol 03 tnSACT Seminar 2012

protocol 04 tnSeating Plan


Protocol Guide



Standard Operating Procedures
Conferences and Seminars
Flag Raisings
Visit Procedures
HQ SACT Visit Request Information Sheet

NATO Protocol Course
About the Course
Agenda / Schedule
Infos about NATO School
Infos about Oberammergau

International Festivities

khantry design

protocol 05 tnNorfolk NATO Fest 2012

Next NATO Protocol Course date:
07-10 January 2013
NATO School Oberammergau