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View RSA-15

Nevada Employment, Training and Rehabilitation - Rehabilitation Division - FY2010

1. Gross Sales Total

2. Merchandise Purchases Total

3. Gross Profit Total

4. Payroll Expenses Total

5. Other Operating Expenses Total

6. Total Expenses Total

7. Operating Profit Total

8. Vending Machine and Other Income Total

9. Retirement and Other Benefits Paid Total

10. Net Proceeds Total

11. Levied Set Aside Funds Total

12. Net Profit to Vendors Total

13. Fair Minimum Return to Vendors Total

14. Vendors Earnings Total

15. Vendor Person Years of Employment Total

16. Average Vendor Earnings Total

17. The Median of Net Vendor Earnings in the State Total

18. Number of Other Persons with Visual Disabilities Employed Total

19. Number of Other Persons with Disabilities Employed Total

20. Number of Persons Having No Disability Employed Total

21. Total Number Employed in the Program Total

A. Facilities on Federal Property

1. Number at Beginning of Year Total

2. Number Established during Year Total

3. Number Closed during Year Total

4. Number at End of Year Total

B. Vending Facilities Loacted on Federal Property, End Of Year

Description Subtotal Total
1. General Services Administration Info: General Services Administration (GSA) (Line 1) - Report on this line the total number of vending facilities on General Services Administration properties. n/a 2
2. U.S. Postal Service Info: U.S. Postal Service (USPS) (Line 2) - Report on this line the total number of vending facilities on U.S. Postal Service properties.  n/a 2
3. Department of Defense Info: Department of Defense (Line 3) - The system will compute the total number of vending facilities operated on Department of Defense properties by adding lines 3a and 3b. n/a 1
   a) Military Dining Facility Contracts Info: Military Dining Facility Contracts (Line 3a) - This line should reflect the number of contracts held by the SLA for operation of cafeterias/military dining facilities. 1 n/a
   b) Other DOD Vending Facilities Info: Other Department of Defense Vending Facilities (Line 3b) - Enter on this line the number of vending facilities on Department of Defense properties excluding troop-dining facilities. This would include snack bars, vending machine routes, gift shops, etc. 0 n/a
4. Department of Homeland Security Info: Department of Homeland Security (Line 4) - This line should be used to report the number of vending facilities on Department of Homeland Security properties.  n/a 0
5. Health and Human Services Info: Health and Human Services (Line 5) - Report on this line the total number of vending facilities on Health and Human Services properties. n/a 0
6. Vending Routes on Multiple Federal Locations Info: Vending Routes on Multiple Federal Locations (Line 6) - This line should be used to report the total number of vending routes that include several different federal properties (i.e., a GSA site, a USPS site, etc. that are combined to make a single vending facility). n/a 0
7. All Other Federal Agencies (Identify) Info: All Other Federal Agencies (Line 7) - Please specify all other federal agencies by name. Please note that facilities operated at safety rest areas on the interstate highways are not considered to be on federal properties and should not be reported here but should be included in Part III.  Department of Energy and Bureau of Reclamation 4
8. Total Info: Total (Line 8) - The system will compute the total of Lines 1 through 7. These totals should be the same as the totals in Part II. A. Line 4. n/a 9

C. Contracts for Operation of Cafeterias and Military Dining Facilities

(For each contracted cafeteria and military dining hall operation funded using federally operated funds, please submit the information requested below.)

Fallon Naval Air Station

Agency or Branch of Military Awarding Contract

Name of Military Installation (if applicable)
Fallon Naval Air Station

Beginning Date of Contract

Anticipated Termination of Contract

Gross Sales (Value) of Contract for the Most Recently Completed Option Year


D. Vendors on Federal Property

1. Number at Beginning of Year Total

2. Number Entering during Year Total

3. Number Leaving during Year Total

4. Number at End of Year Total

E. Facilities on Public Property (State, County, Municipal)

1. Number at Beginning of Year Total

2. Number Established during Year Total

3. Number Closed during Year Total

4. Number at End of Year Total

F. Vendors on Public Property (State, County, Municipal)

1. Number at Beginning of Year Total

2. Number Entering during Year Total

3. Number Leaving during Year Total

4. Number at End of Year Total

G. Facilities on Private Property

1. Number at Beginning of Year Total

2. Number Established during Year Total

3. Number Closed during Year Total

4. Number at End of Year Total

H. Vendors on Private Property

1. Number at Beginning of Year Total

2. Number Entering during Year Total

3. Number Leaving during Year Total

4. Number at End of Year Total

(Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century of June 1998)

Category Total Number Total Vending Machine Receipts
1. Total Vending Locations Info: Total Vending Locations (Line 1) - Enter the number of all vending locations operated under the Interstate Highway Program in column 1.  This figure represents the actual number of locations. For example, if there is a rest area on both the eastbound and westbound side of an interstate highway, this should be reported as two locations. 0 n/a
2. Locations Operated by Vendors Info: Locations Operated by Vendors (Line 2) - Of the total number of locations reported in Line 1, enter the number of locations that are operated by blind vendors (column 1) and the total receipts (net profit) of those locations (column 2). A vendor may operate more than one location.  Note, the information on Line 2 should be included in appropriate totals under Parts I and II of the report. 0 0
3. Locations Operated by Third-Party Contractors Info: Locations Operated by Third-Party Contractors (Line 3) - Enter the number of locations operated by third-party contractors (column 1) and the total receipts from those locations (column 2). The amount in column 2 represents the amount of commissions or other remuneration paid by the third-party contractor to the SLA. 0 0
4. Vendors Employed in Highway Program Info: Vendors Employed in Highway Program (Line 4) - Enter the number of blind vendors who are operating the locations shown on Line 2 of this part. Total earnings are not needed for this line. 0 n/a
Category Total Vending Machine Income - Federal Vending Machine Income - Non-Federal Set-Aside State Appropriated Fund Federal Funds
1. Purchase of New Equipment Info: Purchase of New Equipment (Line 1) - Enter, by source of funds, the cost of new equipment purchased for the program during the fiscal year. This would include equipment purchased for new facilities and new equipment for existing facilities. All four sources of funding may be used to finance the cost of new equipment. 123,527 0 0 123,527 0 0
2. Maintenance of Equipment Info: Maintenance of Equipment (Line 2) - Enter, by source of funds, the cost (except when paid directly by the vendor) of maintaining the equipment in good repair. Report the cost of normal maintenance, that is, the cost for repairs directed primarily at keeping the facilities operational in their various components. Examples would include the purchase of a new compressor for a refrigerator, the replacement of glass in a showcase, the painting of counters and shelves not for ... [click on icon for more] 162,866 0 0 162,866 0 0
3. Replacement of Equipment Info: Replacement of Equipment (Line 3) - Enter, by source of funds, the cost for replacement equipment. Only total replacements--a new refrigerator, various units of equipment replaced at one time, counters replaced in total and the like--will be considered replacement for this purpose. The purpose of replacement is to keep the facility operational.  Federal funds may be used for replacement of equipment.  All four sources of funding may be used to finance the cost of replacement equipment. 7,143 0 0 7,143 0 0
4. Refurbish Facilities Info: Refurbishment of Facilities (Line 4) - Enter, by source of funds, the cost of renovating the existing facilities that were expended only during the current fiscal year.  Painting, remodeling, changing the layout design, upgrading the equipment as part of a process whereby the facilities are being redecorated or renovated for the purpose of improving their appearance and efficiency would be typical examples of expenditures in this category.  Expenditures to totally refur ... [click on icon for more] 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. Management Services Info: Management Services (Line 5) - Enter, by source of funds, the amount of expenditures made during the year for management services. Management services include supervision, inspection, regulating, quality control, consultation, accounting, in-service training, and related services necessary to support and improve the operation. These costs include salary and expenses of all management services staff, such as supervisors, BEP counselors, accountants, secretaries, etc. Thi ... [click on icon for more]


0 0 386,410 0 0
6. Fair Minimum Return Info: Fair Minimum Return (Line 6) - Enter, by source of funds, the amount of expenditures made during the year for the payment of a fair minimum return to vendors that provides a uniform minimum income to all vendors under the program. Federal funds are not allowed for fair minimum return payments. The amount shown on Line 6, Column (1) must equal the amount shown in Part I, Line 13. 4,940 0 4,940 0 0 n/a
7. Retirement / Pension Programs Info: Retirement/Pension Programs (Line 7) - Enter, by source of funds, the amount of expenditures made during the fiscal year for a retirement or pension program. Note that federal funds may NOT be used for this purpose. 110,562 0 0 110,562 0 n/a
8. Health Insurance Programs Info: Health Insurance Programs (Line 8) - Enter, by source of funds, the amount of expenditures made during the fiscal year for a health insurance program for vendors. Note that federal funds may NOT be used for this purpose. 122,580 11,676 7,430 103,474 0 n/a
9. Paid Sick Leave / Vacation Info: Paid Sick Leave/Vacation Time (Line 9) - Enter, by source of funds, the amount of expenditures made during the fiscal year for paid sick leave and vacation time for vendors. Note that federal funds may NOT be used for this purpose. 0 0 0 0 0 n/a
10. Initial Stock & Supplies Info: Initial Stock and Supplies (Line 10) - Enter, by source of funds, the amount of expenditures made during the fiscal year for initial stock and supplies for facilities. Also, when a change in vendors occurs in a facility, this line item should reflect funds expended to bring inventory to an acceptable operating level. Note that set-aside funds and machine income accruing from machines on federal property may NOT be used for this purpose. 0 n/a 0 n/a 0 0
11. All Other Expenditures Info: All Other Expenditures (Line 11) - Enter all other expenditures made during the fiscal year from state funds and non-federal vending machine income. 69,782 n/a 69,782 n/a 0 n/a
12. Total Info: Total (Line 12) - The system will compute, by source of funds, the sum of Lines 1 through 11.  Make sure of the following: Line 12, Column (2) must equal the figure shown in Part V, Line 5, Column (2); Line 12 Column (3) must equal the figure shown in Part V, Line 5, Column (3); Line 12, Column (4) must equal the figure shown in Part V, Line 5, Column (4); The totals of Line 12, Columns (2), (3), and (4) must equal the figure shown in Part V, Line 5, Column (1). 987,810 11,676 82,152 893,982 0 0
Category Total Vending Machine Income - Federal Vending Machine Income - Non-Federal Levied Set-Aside
1. Amount on Hand at Beginning of Year Info: Amount at Beginning of Year (Line 1) - Enter, by source of funds, the amount on hand at the beginning of the fiscal year. This amount must equal the amount remaining at the end of the year that was reported in the previous reporting period. 4,423,459 127,384 1,471,703 2,824,372
2. Funds Added during Year Info: Funds Added During Year (Line 2) - Enter, by source of program funds, the amount added during the fiscal year. 1,320,213 18,694 156,131 1,145,388
3. Total Funds Available Info: Total Funds Available (Line 3) - The system will compute, by source of program funds, the sum of Lines 1 and 2. 5,743,672 146,078 1,627,834 3,969,760
4. Funds Distributed to Vendors Info: Funds Distributed to Vendors (Line 4) - Enter the amount of machine income that was distributed directly to vendors (for federal property, this is the amount assigned pursuant to the machine income distribution provision under the Act). 0 0 0 n/a
5. Other Funds Expended Info: Other Funds Expended (Line 5) - Enter, by source of funds, the total of all other funds expended during the year. 987,810 11,676 82,152 893,982
6. Total Funds Distributed and Expended (Lines 4+5) Info: Total Funds Distributed and Expended (Line 6) - The system will compute, by source of funds, the sum of Lines 4 and 5. 987,810 11,676 82,152 893,982
7. Amount at the End of the Year (Line 3 minus Line 6) Info: Amount at the End of the Year (Line 7) - The system will compute, by source of funds, the amount of funds available at the end of the year. It is Line 3 minus Line 6. 4,755,862 134,402 1,545,682 3,075,778
Category Total Federal Property Non-Federal Property
1. Total Info: Total (Line 1) - The system will compute, by type of property, the total number of sites surveyed during the fiscal year (sum of Lines 2 through 7). 10 1 9
2. Accepted for Vending Facility Site Info: Accepted for Vending Facility Site (Line 2) - Enter, by type of property, the number of sites surveyed that were accepted by the SLA as vending facility sites. Please note that some sites may be accepted as vending facility sites but not established during this reporting period. 0 0 0
3. Not Accepted Due to Infeasibility of Site Info: Not Accepted Due to Infeasibility of Site (Line 3) - Enter, by type of property, the number of sites surveyed that were not accepted by the SLA as vending facility sites, due to the lack of potential of the site itself. 5 1 4
4. Not Accepted Due to Lack of Funds by State Info: Not Accepted Due To Lack of Funds by State (Line 4) - Enter, by type of property, the number of sites surveyed that were not accepted by the SLA as vending facility sites, due to the state agencys lack of funds. 0 0 0
5. Denied by Property Management Official Info: Denied by Property Management Official (Line 5) - Enter, by type of property, the number of sites surveyed that the SLA found feasible for vending facility sites but were not approved by the property management. 3 0 3
6. Not Accepted Due to Lack of Qualified Vendors Info: Not Accepted Due to Lack of Qualified Vendors (Line 6) - Enter, by type of property, the number of sites surveyed that were not accepted for vending facility sites by the SLA due to the lack of qualified vendors. 0 0 0
7. Decision Pending Info: Decision Pending (Line 7) - Enter, by type of property, the number of surveys made during the fiscal year that the decision as to their acceptability is pending. 2 0 2
Category Number Total
1. Individuals Provided Initial Training Info: Individuals Provided Initial Training (Line 1) - The system will compute the total number of blind persons who completed initial training during this reporting period. This figure is the total of lines a, b, c, and d below.    2
   a. Number Licensed and Placed as Vendors Info: Number Licensed and Placed as Vendors (Line 1a) - Enter the number of trainees who were licensed to operate a vending facility and were placed as vendors. 0  
   b. Number Certified Awaiting Placement as Vendors Info: Number Certified Awaiting Placement as Vendors (Line 1b) - Enter the number of trainees who were certified as qualified or licensed to operate a vending facility and were waiting to be placed as vendors. Please note that this figure relates only to those vendors who received initial training during the year covered by this report. Vendors trained in previous years who are awaiting placement are not reported as part of this figure.  2  
   c. Number Placed as Employees in the Vending Facility Program Info: Number Placed as Employees in the Vending Facility Program (Line 1c) - Enter the number of trainees who were not assigned to manage a vending facility but who were placed as employees in the Vending Facility Program. 0  
   d. Number Employed in Allied Food Service Occupations Info: Number Employed in Allied Food Service Occupations (Line 1d) - Enter the number of trainees who were not assigned to manage a vending facility but who were placed as employees in allied food service occupations. 0  
2. Total Number of Individuals Who Are Certified and Awaiting Placement as VendorsInfo: Total Number of Individuals Who Are Certified and Awaiting Placement As Vendors
        (Line 2) - On this line report the total number of individuals who are certified or who have been determined qualified to operate vending facilities and are awaiting placement as a vendor regardless of the year in which they received initial training.
3. Number of Vendors Provided In-Service Training Info: Number of Vendors Provided In-Service Training (Line 3) - Enter the number of vendors who were provided in-service training during the fiscal year. In-service training is designed to maintain vendor skill levels and improve current operations. This training would generally be of short duration, such as the annual vendors meeting during which some generic training is provided to all in attendance.   2
4. Number of Vendors Provided Upward Mobility Training Info: Number of Vendors Provided Upward Mobility Training (Line 4) - Enter the number of vendors who were provided upward mobility training during the fiscal year. Upward mobility refers to training which would enable a vendor to achieve increased skill levels necessary for transfer and promotion to more complex facilities. This does not include training on rules and regulations or generic training provided to all vendors.   0
5. Number of Vendors Participating in National Consumer-Driven Conferences Info: Number of Vendors Participating in National Consumer-Driven Conferences (Line 5) - On this line report the number of licensed vendors who participated in national conferences organized and conducted by consumer organizations of blind vendors. For example, this would include national conferences conducted by the National Association of Blind Merchants and the Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America.   7
6. Number of Vendors Who Received Certification or Re-Certification in Food Safety through a Nationally Recognized or State Recognized Program Info: Number of Vendors Who Received Certification or Re-Certification in Food Safety Through a Nationally Recognized or State Recognized Program (Line 6) - On this line please report the number of licensed vendors who received initial training and certification or re-certification in food safety by virtue of successfully completing a nationally recognized or state recognized training course. This would include the National Restaurant Associations ServSafe program and/or trai ... [click on icon for more]   8

A. Agency Personnel

Agency Personnel State Agency Personnel Nominee Agency Personnel Total
1. Vending Facility Program Budgeted FTE Info: Vending Facility Program Budgeted FTE (Line1) - Enter the budgeted FTE (full-time equivalent), including filled and vacant positions assigned to the Vending Facility Program for the state agency, and, if applicable, for the nominee agency. 6 0 6
2. Vending Facility Program Actual FTE Info: Vending Facility Program Actual FTE (Line 2) - Enter the actual FTE for the program year for the state agency, and, if applicable, for the nominee agency. FTE is defined as the number of total hours worked divided by the compensable hours in a work year as defined by law. To determine the actual FTE, divide the total number of hours worked by all employees throughout the year, irrespective of the total numbers employed at any point in time, and divide by the state?s def ... [click on icon for more] 6 0 6

B. Training

Training State Agency Personnel Nominee Agency Personnel Total
1. Number Who Received In-Service Training Related to Blindness, Business Management, or Aspects of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program Info: Number Who Received In-Service Training Related to Blindness, Business Management, or Aspects of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program (Line 1) - On this line report the number of state and, if applicable, nominee agency staff who received agency sponsored training in skills that directly impact services provided to licensed vendors. 6 0 6
2. Number Who Received Training through an External Source Related to Blindness, Business Management, or Aspects of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program Info: Number Who Received Training through an External Source Related to Blindness, Business Management, or Aspects of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program (Line 2) - On this line report the number of state and, if applicable, nominee program personnel who received training from external sources in skill areas or pertaining to information directly related to the delivery of services to blind vendors. Training in these areas offered by trade associations, universitie ... [click on icon for more] 2 0 2
3. Number Who Participated in National Consumer-Driven Conferences Info: Number Who Participated in National Consumer-Driven Conferences (Line 3) - On this line report the number of state and, if applicable, nominee program personnel who participated in national consumer-driven conferences.  Training conferences conducted by the Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America and the National Association of Blind Merchants are examples of national consumer-driven conferences. 2 0 2
4. The Number Who Received Certification or Re-Certification in Food Safety Through a Nationally Recognized or State Recognized Program Info: The Number Who Received Certification or Re-Certification in Food Safety Through a Nationally Recognized or State Recognized Program (Line 4) - On this line report the number of state agency and, if applicable, nominee personnel who received initial training and certification or re-certification in food safety by virtue of successfully completing a nationally recognized or state recognized training course. This would include the National Restaurant Associations Serv-Saf ... [click on icon for more] 2 0 2
I do hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given in this report is complete and accurate.

Name of Authorized Official
Maureen Cole

Administrator Rehab Division State of Nevada

Date Certified

This form has been approved for use by OMB through June 30, 2011.

The following information is captured by the MIS.
Last updated on
05/13/2011 1:09 PM
Last updated by
Completed on
01/04/2011 5:31 PM
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Approved on
05/13/2011 1:09 PM
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Published on
08/13/2012 2:52 PM
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OMB Control Number: 1820-0009, approved for use through 07/31/2014

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average one hour per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain a benefit (Section 13 of the Rehabilitation Act, as amended). Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202-4537 or email ICDocketMgr@ed.gov and reference the OMB Control Number 1820-0009. Note: Please do not return the completed form to this address.

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