Proposed Soil Nail Wall

Adhoc Name: Prop. Soil Nail
Description: Proposed Soil Nail Wall

Phase 1 Design (driven by adhocs only)

Typical Section showing variables

Phase 1 Design (driven by adhocs only)

Typical Section showing variables

Phase 2 Design (driven by adhocs and profiles)

Typical Section showing variables

Phase 2 Design (driven by adhocs and profiles)

Typical Section showing variables


Wall Batter” - Wall face slope in a Rise:Run format. This slope should always be positive. Be sure to include the colon between the numbers.

Wall Width” - Wall width (or thickness) in master units.

Wall Toe Depth” - When the wall is adjacent to the back of the curb, this distance is the distance measured down from the top of the curb to the bottom of the wall. When the wall is not adjacent to the curb, this is the distance measured from the bottom of the wall up to the point where the wall breaks to the batter slope.

Backfill Slope” - Tie slope to existing ground in a Rise:Run format. Be sure to include the colon between the numbers.

Bench Slope” - Slope from the top back of curb to the face of the wall in a Rise:Run format when the wall is not adjacent to the back of the curb. Be sure to include the colon between the numbers.

Adjacent To Curb” - Y (Yes) or N (No) to draw the soil nail wall adjacent to the back of the curb. If answered No then the plan view element will determine the offset of the wall.

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