WFL Proposed Parapet Wall

Adhoc Name: Prop. Parapet-1
Description: WFL Proposed Parapet Wall

Phase 1 Design (driven by adhocs only)

Typical Section showing variables

Phase 2 Design (driven by adhocs and profiles)

Typical Section showing variables

* Note: See also the Minimum Detour Width options.


Parapet Thickness” - Parapet wall thickness at top of wall in master units.

Parapet Height” - Parapet wall height from top of pavement to top of wall in master units.

Stem Thickness” - Parapet wall stem thickness in master units.

Wall Width Factor” - Parapet wall width factor “unitless” value used for computing the width of the footing.

Footing Thickness” - Thickness of parapet wall footing in master units. This is considered a minimum and will be tested against the height of the wall as wall height / 10. The greater of the two will be used.

Embedment Depth” - Parapet wall embedment depth in master units.

Surcharge Height” - Parapet wall surcharge height in master units. This simply gives our Structures engineers the option to design an additional load on the wall structure. Obviously, this is a value that needs to be assigned by the Structures engineer.

Structure Exc Width” - Excavation width beyond the parapet wall footing edges in master units.

Wall Excavation Slope” - Slope in a Rise:Run format of the excavation line connecting to the bottom of the proposed pavement structure.

Bottom Footing Profile Name” - Specify the name of the proposed profile associated with the Phase 2 Design of the Parapet Wall.

IMPORTANT: Set this to “none” until the phase 2 chain and profiles have been established using Cross Section Reports and COGO. In the phase 2 design the user MUST specify the correct COGO profile name to this adhoc. Refer to the FHWA Knucklehead's Guide for further explanation:

Top Footing Profile Name” - Specify the name of the proposed profile associated with the Phase 2 Design of the Parapet Wall.

IMPORTANT: Set this to “none” until the phase 2 chain and profiles have been established using Cross Section Reports and COGO. In the phase 2 design the user MUST specify the correct COGO profile name to this adhoc. Refer to the FHWA Knucklehead's Guide for further explanation:

Wall Chain Name” - Specify the name of the proposed chain associated with the Phase 2 Design of the Parapet Wall.

IMPORTANT: Set this to “none” until the phase 2 chain and profiles have been established using Cross Section Reports and COGO. In the phase 2 design the user MUST specify the correct COGO profile name to this adhoc. Refer to the FHWA Knucklehead's Guide for further explanation:

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