Proposed Gabion Faced Mechanically Stablized Earth (GFMSE) Wall

Adhoc Name: Prop. GFMSE
Description: Proposed Gabion Faced Mechanically Stablized Earth (GFMSE) Wall

Typical Section showing variables

Typical Section showing variables

Typical Section showing variables


Wall Foreslope” - Slope is a Rise:Run format of the line connecting the shoulder subgrade to the top of the wall. Make sure to include the negative sign and colon when specifying this slope.

Wall Batter” - Slope in a Rise:Run format of the outside face of the GFMSE wall. Make sure to include the negative sign and colon when specifying this slope.

Leveling Pad Depth” - Thickness in master units of the leveling pad used at the base of the GFMSE Wall.

Set Back Width” - Minimum required horizontal distance measured from the base of the GFMSE wall to the daylight of existing ground. This number MUST be greater than zero. In phase 1 this value is used to determine the number of required gabions. In phase 2 the use of a bottom of footing profile may cause this value to fail. In the event the minimum setback width is not met by the use of a profile in phase 2, a warning message will be drawn indicating such.

Wall Width Factor” - Multiplied by the wall height this factor will determine the overall width of the MSE wall.

Additional Exc Width” - Distance in master units to extend the width of the MSE wall.

Min Reinforcement Length” - If greater than zero, the width of the reinforced volume will either be “_d_MSEWallWidthFactor” x “Wall Height” or “_d_MSEMinReinfLength”, whichever is greater.

Wall Excavation Slope” - Slope in a Rise:Run format of the existing unsuitable line connecting to the existing ground line for the MSE Wall. Be sure to include the colon between the numbers.

Embedment Depth” - Minimum depth below existing ground measured to the bottom of the GFMSE wall. This does NOT include the depth of the leveling pad. This number MUST be greater than zero. In phase 1 this value is used to determine the number of required gabions. Note, the use of a bottom of footing profile may cause this value to fail in phase 2. In the event the minimum embedment depth is not met by the use of a profile in phase 2, a warning message will be drawn indicating such.

Wall Elevation Control” - Elevation used to establish the grid control. This elevation default value of -999 can optionally be changed in phase 1 and is required to be changed in phase 2. The elevation value should be higher than the lowest existing ground elevation on the cross section that is to have the wall drawn. If in phase 1 the default value of -999 is not changed, the the wall foreslope will be drawn to intersect the plan view wall line and this will then represent the top of the wall. If the elevation is indeed changed in phase 1 or as required in phase 2, this will then be used to establish the elevation of the grid control line.

Gabion Basket Height” - Height in master units of the gabion basket.

Gabion Basket Width” - Width in master units of the gabion basket.

Wall Foreslope Type” - For phase 1 there is only one wall foreslope type. That is Type ^A^. Type ^A^ foreslope uses the adhoc named “Wall Foreslope” to draw the slope from the shoulder subgrade to the top of the wall. Only Type ^A^ is supported in phase 1 and thus this adhoc will not effect a phase 1 wall. In phase 2, there are two more wall types that are introduced. A Type ^B^ uses the fill slope selection table define by redefinable variables. The height however, is evaluated based on the elevation difference between the bottom of the shoulder subgrade and the top of wall. A Type ^C^ wall foreslope type connects a line from the bottom of the proposed shoulder subgrade to the outside top of upper most gabion outer edge point.

Foreslope EL Tolerance” - In a phase 1 scenario, the Foreslope Elevation Tolerance will allow the designer to specify a height in master units in which the top computed gabion may be omitted. If the top computed gabion falls within the elevation range measured from the bottom of the shoulder subgrade down the distance set by this adhoc, then an attempt will be made by the criteria to not include this top gabion section. If however, by omitting the top computed gabion, the wall foreslope will not tie, then the top computed gabion will indeed be included with a warning message.

Front Excavation Width” - Width of excavation beyond the bottom most gabion measured in master units.

Front Excavation Slope” - Slope in a Rise:Run format of the excavation face beyond the bottom most gabion. Make sure to include a colon between the numbers.

Bottom Wall Profile Name” - Specify the name of the proposed profile associated with the Phase 2 Design of the Gabion Face MSE Wall.

IMPORTANT: Set this to “none” until the phase 2 chain and profiles have been established using Cross Section Reports and COGO. In the phase 2 design the user MUST specify the correct COGO profile name to this adhoc.

Top Wall Profile Name” - Specify the name of the proposed profile associated with the Phase 2 Design of the Gabion Face MSE Wall.

IMPORTANT: Set this to “none” until the phase 2 chain and profiles have been established using Cross Section Reports and COGO. In the phase 2 design the user MUST specify the correct COGO profile name to this adhoc.

Wall Chain Name” - Specify the name of the proposed chain associated with the Phase 2 Design of the Gabion Face MSE Wall.

IMPORTANT: Set this to “none” until the phase 2 chain and profiles have been established using Cross Section Reports and COGO. In the phase 2 design the user MUST specify the correct COGO chain name to this adhoc.

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