XYZ Report

Invoke the XS Report dialog by using the MicroStation pull downs:

APPLICATIONS > GEOPAK ROAD > CROSS SECTIONS > REPORTS... or from the Road Tools icon as shown below:

Screen shot

The XS Report dialog will appear as shown below.   Click User and fill out the Report Header Dialog box.  This Report Header information can be saved by clicking on File and selecting the path and file name to be saved.  When finished, press Blue & Red Top on the XS Report dialog.

Screen shot

This brings up the Blue & Red Top Report Dialog box as shown below:
Toggle the type of report to be generated, (located at the left of the directory path) to XYZ.

Screen shot

  • Key in the Job number and Chain.
  • If you want notes for the entire chain, highlight the Beg Sta. field and press delete.   The application will automatically set this field to the beginning station of the chain.   Repeat this for the End Sta. Field.   You may also simply key in a desired station range.
  • Enter all the appropriate Existing Ground Line element symbology, by clicking the button to the left of the Display button and identifying the elements graphically, using the Match button as shown below:

    Screen shot

  • Enter all the appropriate Proposed Finish Grade element symbology, by clicking the button to the left of the Display button and identifying the elements graphically, using the Match button as shown below, including your desired pavement layer symbology.   See "Proposed Finish Grade Element Symbology Tips" below.

    Screen shot

  • If the Span toggle is activated, the user can specify whether the Top or Bottom of a roadway feature is traced. I leave this option toggled off.

Proposed Finish Grade Element Symbology Tips

1.   For Blue Tops:

NOTE:   In Western Federal Lands, we refer to Blue Tops as Subgrade.

  • Select the element symbology path that follows subgrade.

In Central and Eastern Federal Lands, they refer to Blue Tops as "Top of aggregate base".

2.   For Red Tops (or other surfacing layers):

NOTE:   In Western Federal Lands, we refer to Red Tops as "Top of aggregate base".

  • Select the element symbology path that goes up and over the top of pavement.
  • Also select the element symbology for the desired surfacing layer, (the application has recently been rewritten to follow the lowest symbology path).

In Central and Eastern Federal Lands, they refer to Red Tops as Subgrade.

Click on the Text button as shown below:

Screen shot

The Blue and Red Top Text Set dialog box appears as shown below.

Screen shot

If you're using FHWA criteria... you will have text placed on your cross sections on a level named X_Text_Search.   Review your cross sections and key in the text to search for and it's description.   Press Add or Delete after each entry.   To Modify an entry, simply highlight the entry, adjust the values in the white fields and click Modify. When finished ... these entry's can be saved for recalling later, by clicking on the File pulldown.   Select the path and filename to save this information.

Optionally... each text string may be stored (as a point) in the GPK file, by toggling ON "Store in GPK". These may be of use to you later, in a variety of other reports.

Back at the XYZ Report Dialog box, click on File and select the path and file name for your XYZ notes.

I recommend that you toggle the Pause on Each XS option ON.

When finished...   Click Apply.

Sample XYZ Notes

07/29/2004                                              PRA-YELL 13(2)                              Page# 1     
                                                      EAST ENTRANCE ROAD
                                                  ....ANYTHING ELSE HERE....
       Station              X              Y              Z         Offset      ID      SLOPE
--------------------   ------------   ------------   ------------   --------   ------   ------
50+000.00R1[MAIN]        445186.269     287902.540       1789.503     -5.230   SHLD   
                         445185.459     287901.125       1789.536     -3.600   ETW   
                         445183.669     287898.002       1789.608      0.000   CL   
                         445181.880     287894.878       1789.536      3.600   ETW   
                         445181.069     287893.463       1789.503      5.230   SHLD   

50+020.00R1[MAIN]        445203.623     287892.599       1789.201     -5.230   SHLD   
                         445202.813     287891.184       1789.234     -3.600   ETW   
                         445201.024     287888.061       1789.306      0.000   CL   
                         445199.234     287884.937       1789.234      3.600   ETW   
                         445198.424     287883.522       1789.201      5.230   SHLD   

50+040.00R1[MAIN]        445220.978     287882.658       1789.003     -5.230   SHLD   
                         445220.167     287881.243       1789.036     -3.600   ETW   
                         445218.378     287878.119       1789.108      0.000   CL   
                         445216.589     287874.996       1789.036      3.600   ETW   
                         445215.778     287873.581       1789.003      5.230   SHLD   