Clearing Notes

Invoke the XS Report dialog by using the MicroStation pull downs:

APPLICATIONS > GEOPAK ROAD > CROSS SECTIONS > REPORTS... or from the Road Tools icon as shown below:

Screen shot

The XS Report dialog will appear as shown below.  Click User and fill out the Report Header Dialog box.  This Report Header information can be saved by clicking on File and selecting the path and file name to be saved.  When finished, press Clearing on the XS Report dialog.

Screen shot

This brings up the Clearing Report Dialog box as shown below:

Screen shot

  • Key in the Job number and Chain.
  • If you want notes for the entire chain, highlight the Beg Sta. field and press delete.   The application will automatically set this field to the beginning station of the chain.   Repeat this for the End Sta. Field.   You may also simply key in a desired station range.
  • Enter all the appropriate Existing Ground Line element symbology, by clicking the button to the left of the Display button and identifying the elements graphically, using the Match button as shown below:

    Screen shot

  • Enter all the appropriate Proposed Finish Grade element symbology, by clicking the button to the left of the Display button and identifying the elements graphically, using the Match button as shown below:

    Screen shot

  • Key in any desirable additional clearing distances as per your typical section.
  • Adjust and set the desirable increment and subtotal settings for your notes.

If you have any Exception Widths, (no clearing areas) click on Except Width

This brings up the Exception Width dialog box as shown below:

Screen shot

Press the Add or Delete buttons after each entry.   After completing this step... these entry's can be saved for recalling later, by clicking on the File pulldown.   Select the path and file name to save this information.

If you have any Additional areas (outside of the construction limits) to be cleared, click on Additional Distance Via Station.

This brings up the Additional Distance Clearing dialog box as shown below:

Screen shot

Press the Add, Modify or Delete buttons after each entry.   After completing this step... these entry's can be saved for recalling later, by clicking on the File pulldown.   Select the path and filename to save this information.

Back at the Clearing Report Dialog box, click on File and select the path and file name for your Clearing notes.

I recommend that you toggle the Pause on Each XS option to ON.

When finished...   Click Apply.

A partial sample of the notes are shown below:

07/30/2004                                              PRA-YELL 13(2)                              Page# 1     
                                                      EAST ENTRANCE ROAD
                                                  ....ANYTHING ELSE HERE....
                                                        CLEARING REPORT

CUT SLOPE ROUNDING             =       0.0000 m 
ADDITIONAL CLEARING IN CUT     =       3.0000 m 
ADDITIONAL CLEARING IN FILL    =       1.5000 m 
MINIMUM CLEARING WIDTH         =       0.0000 m 
51+000         TO 51+100         = 10.000     m 
51+500         TO 51+620         = 12.500     m 
ADDITIONAL CLEARING     VIA STATION RANGE .............................
51+900         TO 51+980         FOR LEFT SIDE          = 5.000      m 
52+100         TO 52+200         FOR RIGHT SIDE         = 7.000      m 
52+400         TO 52+500         FOR LEFT & RIGHT SIDES = 9.500      m 

                     LT       RT           WIDTH        m2          m2          ES

 50+000.00 R 1    16.346    11.421              
                                           0.000        483
 50+020.00 R 1    10.219    10.230              
                                           0.000        424
 50+040.00 R 1    11.675    10.230              
                                           0.000        477
 50+060.00 R 1    13.648    12.128              
                                           0.000        512
 50+080.00 R 1    13.971    11.356              
                                           0.000        514
 50+100.00 R 1    13.258    12.725              
                                           0.000        507
 50+120.00 R 1    12.764    11.925              
                                           0.000        234
 50+129.50 R 1    12.539    11.884              
                                           0.000         13
 50+130.00 R 1    12.548    11.870