
References submitted to the ARM publications database for the current month are listed below by the date in which they were submitted. For those dates where more than one reference has been submitted, only the lead authors and journal entries appear. For those dates when only one reference has been submitted, the full citation is shown.

2012 Annual Report Now Online
Feb 13, 2013       
The 2012 edition of the ARM Climate Research Facility Annual Report was published in January 2013. The report contains information about new ARM sites, a short overview of the Facility, information about featured field campaigns, key research results, and infrastructure achievements. It also provides a summary of 2012 field campaigns conducted throughout the ARM [...]

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Feb 05, 2013       
Williams CR. 2012. "Vertical air motion retrieved from dual-frequency profiler observations." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 29(10), doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00176.1.

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Feb 04, 2013       
Sheridan PJ, E Andrews, JA Ogren, JL Tackett, and DM Winker. 2012. "Vertical profiles of aerosol optical properties over central Illinois and comparison with surface and satellite measurements." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, doi:10.5194/acp-12-11695-2012.

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Publication Notice: 3 New References Available
Jan 31, 2013       
Lead Author(s) Martins JV, Advances in Space Research | Mecikalski JR, Atmospheric Research | Flanner MG [...]

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Publication Notice: 3 New References Available
Jan 30, 2013       
Lead Author(s) Baidar S | Burton SP | Yu X [...]

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Publication Notice: 4 New References Available
Jan 29, 2013       
Lead Author(s) Varnai T, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Yang W, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | Marshak A, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer | Feng Z, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres [...]

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Publication Notice: 3 New References Available
Jan 25, 2013       
Lead Author(s) Williams CR | Wyant MC | Rasch P [...]

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Publication Notice: 11 New References Available
Jan 24, 2013       
Lead Author(s) DePasquale A | Breau-Roussel M | Voyles J | Jobson BT | Sonnenfroh DM [...]

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Publication Notice: 11 New References Available
Jan 23, 2013       
Lead Author(s) Fan J | Decker SG | Bonin TA | Mei F | Liu J [...]

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Publication Notice: 3 New References Available
Jan 22, 2013       
Lead Author(s) Dawson ML, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | Chen M, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | Hakala JP [...]

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Publication Notice: 2 New References Available
Jan 21, 2013       
Lead Author(s) Voyles JW | Jouan C, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres [...]

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Publication Notice: 2 New References Available
Jan 15, 2013       
Lead Author(s) Mulmenstadt J, Journal of Climate | Stegall S, Journal of Climate [...]

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Publication Notice: 2 New References Available
Jan 14, 2013       
Lead Author(s) Raatikainen TE | Berg LK, Monthly Weather Review [...]

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Jan 09, 2013       
Yeo K and DM Romps. 2013. "Measurement of convective entrainment using Lagrangian particles." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 70(1), doi:10.1175/JAS-D-12-0144.1.

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Publication Notice: New Abstract Reference Available
Jan 08, 2013       
Prather KA, K Suski, A Cazorla, JF Cahill, J Creamean, DB Collins, A Heymsfield, GC Roberts, PJ DeMott, RC Sullivan, D Rosenfeld, JM Comstock, and JM Tomlinson. 2011. Probing the Impact of Different Aerosol Sources on Cloud Microphysics and Precipitation Through In-Situ Measurements of Chemical Mixing State. Presented at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA.

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Publication Notice: 11 New References Available
Jan 07, 2013       
Lead Author(s) Clarke AD | Twohy CH | Wang H | Cai C | Jimenez JL [...]

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Publication Notice: New Journal Reference Available
Jan 04, 2013       
Petrich C, H Eicken, J Zhang, J Krieger, Y Fukamachi, and K Ohshima. 2012. "Coastal sea ice melt and break-up in northern Alaska: processes and possibility to forecast." Journal of Geophysical Research, 117(C2), doi:10.1029/2011JC007339.

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Publication Notice: 6 New References Available
Jan 03, 2013       
Lead Author(s) Zheng J, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | Drewnick F, Aerosol Science and Technology | Jolleys MD, Environmental Science & Technology | van Drooge BL, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres | Liu J, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres [...]

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Publication Notice: 18 New References Available
Jan 02, 2013       
Lead Author(s) Zhang H, Environmental Science & Technology | Zhang X, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres | Zalakeviciute R, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | Janssen RH, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | Sahu LK, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres [...]

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