Employment Opportunities

ITARS Looking for Four Atmospheric Sciences Postdocs
Jan 16, 2013       
The Initial Training for Atmospheric Remote Sensing, a European-funded Marie Curie Initial Training Network, seeks four experienced researchers to fill 2-year postdoctoral positions in Germany, Romania, Italy, and the Netherlands. ITARS aims to improve the understanding of aerosols, clouds, and aerosol‐cloud interaction processes and their role in both climate and weather. For this purpose, [...]

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Message from Gary Geernaert – New Position Coming at DOE
Jan 02, 2013       
The DOE/BER Climate and Environmental Sciences Division (CESD) indicated in its recently released Strategic Plan that there is a growing need to upgrade, coordinate, and focus data informatics and related research capabilities in support of the Division’s mission and strategy.  In response to this need, a new position at the GS13-15 level [...]

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Opportunities at ARM's Laboratory Partners