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 Federal Technical Capability 
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FTCP Plans, Reports & Issue Papers

  FTCP Issue Papers
PD.08.001 FTCP Issues Process, 8-25-2008

Document NumberSubjectDisposition 
FTCP-12-003Supplemental CompetenciesApproved by FTCP Chair, December 19, 2012PDF
FTCP-12-001Use of "Expert Level" in Qualification Path ForwardApproved by vote at May 15, 2012 meeting; to delete all reference to expert-level knowledge requirements in FAQSPDF
FTCP-10-003Expert Competencies Pertaining to DOE Orders & Technical StandardsIssue transitioned to FY 2011 FTCP Operational Plan Goal #2 
FTCP-10-002Expert-Level KnowledgeIssue assigned to team lead by Debbie Monette to evaluate the expert competencies for possible re-classification. See FTCP-10-003. 
FTCP-10-001FCTP Safeguards and Security AdvisorIssue transitioned to FY 2010 Operational Plan Goal #3 
FTCP-09-003Establishment of Record Keeping RequirementsApproved by FTCP Chair, November 12, 2009PDF
FTCP-09-002Integration of Safety and SecuritySuperseded by FTCP-10-001 
FTCP-09-001Safety System Oversight competencies and FAQS OptionsApproved by FTCP, August 25, 2009 Face to Face MeetingPDF
FTCP-08-002Technical Qualification Program RequalificationApproved by FTCP Chair, November 12, 2009PDF
FTCP-08-001Methodology for Counting TQP Personnel and QualificationsApproved by FTCP, July 28, 2008 Conference CallPDF