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Office of External Affairs (OEA)

What We Do
The Office of External Affairs (OEA) is led by Office Director Leonard Tao and Acting Deputy Director Chris Murray. Under their direction this office is the Commission's primary contact point with the Congress, the public, international, federal, state, and local government offices, interest groups, and the news media. It is responsible for developing public relations and other outreach strategies for the Commission.

The Office of External Affairs is comprised of:

  • State, International and Public Affairs Division
    Commission's liaison with state and local governments, international governments, trade associations, energy markets (RTOs and ISOs) and regulated industry Read More.

  • Government Affairs Division
    Commission's liaison with the Congress and Federal government departments and agencies. It is responsible for developing and maintaining an effective working relationship with the Senate, the House of Representatives, Congressional committees and Committee staff, and Federal government departments and agencies Read More.

  • Media Relations Division
    Responsible for all communication with the press and media. In addition, responsible for the Commission’s internet and intranet web sites and social media. Read More.

  • Administration & Operations Staff
    Responsible for providing and coordinating administrative, personnel and management support services; prepares special ad hoc studies, analyses and/or reports as required; and provides advisory and implementation support in the development of policy and procedures encompassing any of the OEA program responsibilities Read More.

OEA Organization Chart
(Note: Click for larger image)

    Office of External Affairs Organization Chart

Leonard Tao, Director
Office of External Affairs

Chris Murray, Acting Deputy Director
Office of External Affairs

Telephone: 202-502-8004
Toll-free: 1-866-208-3372
FAX: 202-208-2106

Updated: February 4, 2013